When my sister and I were small she was always a little shy and very reserved but when she was 10 she fell and fractured her coccyx. About 2 years after that, she pretty much started having daily nervous breakdowns and cronic depression. She's been through alot of problems and is currently a more extreme case of Social phobia and Agoraphobia, meaning she is afraid of seeing other people and can't leave the house. She's also now becoming clairvoyant, clairaudient, and is naturally empathic, so all of these things is making her paranoid and ruining her life.

How can I help her? She refuses to learn to meditate and insists that she's going crazy and what she see's and hears are just signs that she's crazy.

I'm assuming that it's kundalini, but I could be way off of course. The way I see it, she began having these problems that she already had (shyness, natural clairvoyance that children have, being self-concsious) develop into really big issues just after that fall, so I'm sure it may be that the energy is not flowing correctly. I'm not advanced enough to tackle this problem on my own so I don't know how to help her.