I am confused about this concept of self-love.

To me, love is something you feel towards someone else. You don't feel it towards yourself because it requires another entity to exist. Loving yourself would require you to have two parts, one that is doing the loving and one that is receiving the loving. If you go by the works of Eckhart Tolle, I suppose that would be like the "true you" loving the "ego you." Is that what it means?

Of course I feel positive emotions towards myself. I treat myself well and have self-respect. I feel satisfaction or appreciation in things I do. But these things are all different than love. What exactly do people mean when they say, "You must practice self-love?" Surely this means something beyond saying nice things to yourself or treating yourself to a massage every once in a while. I already do these things.

To be clear, this is not an "OMG I hate myself!" post. I just want to know what people mean by self love (and keep your mind out of the gutter!)