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Thread: My MAP Journal

  1. #61
    bastien001 Guest
    waoh. Heart center...sometimes showing great activity.

    Yesterday, back from work : training getting into trance, fast with pre-recorded sitting position. The fact is : I set into that sitting position, close my eyes, and an automatic response begins into trance. This worked very well ! That'sa good job effort.
    While in trance, I deepened a bit (can't remeber if I switched out into dreams even for short times or not), but at one moment, I found myself witness of a stable trance state. Blissful, completely words, no thoughts popping, and I felt a great stability in there. I decided : ''Now I'm communicating with my higher self in that peaceful state''. I started asking for some things to happen in my life, ''Get me into OBE, please'' that I stated many times. It was eery, I was using words to set those askings, but felt as if the words were ''just a means'' of doing it - instead of being the only available one. (it reminds me of NVC non-verbal communication in Hemi syc / gateway experience).
    After that, I was feeling stable in that place, that it could have longed. I could noticed it as being like, ''timeless state'' also. It was blissful.
    A minute later, I had to get up for the train's arrival. Total time : 5 minutes maybe.

    second train : I used the same technique, it worked.
    My arms were joined, and there, I started NEW and wanted to do a simple, powerful NEW. It ended that I had builded a powerful, strong shape looking like a Shark (triangle shaped, but a bit ''organic''), beginning both my shoulders, ending my joned hands. Here, I felt the whole area : both my shoulders, hands, but also, the empty space in-between !!! I was feeling and filling the space inbetween with concentration.
    Later, after having trained a bit on that, I tried something else : instead of doing NEW legs and foot raising in a Z-shape (one of my most used method for riasing energy in the legs while seated), I decided that I wanted a much more simple shape to deal with, and that the simplicity gained in the form would translate into more power of energy work.
    Also, I considered that I would not pay attention to the fact that the form would have to follow, stick to my legs. So I builded a kind of mass, straight and oblique, comprising both my foot , up to the mimddle/begginning of my chest.
    Here again, I concentrated better on that shape and got real strong tingling in the legs.

    This morning, I woke up early and waited a bit, then checked to see if I had been spontaneously waking up early for something or not : it was 6.15 am. SO I had woke up at a time I could have used for OBE try-ing. I was happy at that, becaus ehad not planned to wake up early, but feeling refreshed at that time. 6.15 am being too late to start, I went back into dreams that I later took note of. I'm a happy man.

    Bless you.

  2. #62
    bastien001 Guest
    Amazing results at trance stability.

    yesterday night, I started drifting to sleep. I felt in a perfect state for experiencing : body slightly sleeping, but a sharp mind, with no over-exitation.
    I somehow managed to go into the dreamland, but remain in a state of consciousness above dreaming, parallel. When ''waking up'' again like 10 minutes later (deciding to physically move), there I was, with symptoms of energy and or starnge sensation of my body...that is speaking, like having gone into things I didn't recall. AN interesting sensation.

    I also retried the shark shape double arms energy flowing, feeling as if ''solid'' (well, at least very sharp energy sensations, strong and focused).

    I also retried a '' extreme bent-over sitting position '' in the train, a position that had launch internal projection guenuinely during MAP some time ago.

    This morning, I redid the '' extreme bent-over sitting position '', and clearly got into a quality trance. I also witnessed ''getting to the platform'' symptoms (ie internally projection/or /about/ symptoms). Although being discomforted by an almost harmful position (bending to the most : your head is resting ahead but it strains), I noticed being able to have a very sharp mind, a rather good control over trance state, and , as I was doing a Big Wheel technique very close to my body, 0.8 second a turn, I had sensations of a growing exit possibility (well, exit or pre-exit symptoms, or the bunch of them). Then, clearly in my mind, I took note of this : ''DISCOMFORT''. In a word, even in an uncomfortable position, (must not be harmful though, or too harmful, you'll have to resettle yourself sometime), you can have a very quality trance state with a very clear mind; AND, you can also drive exit-related (internal projection or such) symptoms !!! - this was achieved while holding to that position and in that state of mind and state of trance for a while, like 10 or 15 minutes.
    The big wheel technique was consistenltly focused this way (I was in the train, and then had to leave at my station !).
    I was really happy to have discovered this.

    On the second train, I did some Quantum Touch training, and Whole Body raising (standing position), efficiency...: feeling the area of storage center, also using a spin/vortex direction applied for the filling of the storage area...

    Yesterday, I wondered about a kinda ''resonance'' procedure. I used this while having not too strong sensations in the legs.
    I'll expose this in a later post.

  3. #63
    Flash_hound Guest
    Congrats on the successful trance states that you are having. They are really tough to do.

  4. #64
    bastien001 Guest
    This week end : 2 OBEs returnings, with return phase shadow memory download (rest lost into space) : yiii-peeeeeee!!!!
    One was a movement fast forward
    one was a ''bending'' position move
    one was an impress of a blue sky.

    I dream with one OBE sensation (''brutal'' movement forward, if I can remeber well)

    This morning :
    using bent over discomfort position : using whole body raising, whole body bouncing, legs bouncing with the use of ''big mass'' continuous technique variant (I will describe here later).
    using Big WHeel technique.

    second train : other energy exercises. AT the end of the trrain, drew attention to chest and whole body, I was feeling movement of energy snakes (thats's the shape of it, and the way it just moved around that can best describe it), snakes coming out and/ or thru my chest. No particular feeling, beside just the movement, man; but I was feeling overall - ow could I say this ? - energized ?, or well, full of energy pouring and coming out of my body (I located mostly my awareness in my chest).
    At one point, I mentally stated :''Resonant energy balloon'' (ref to a technique in Hemi SYnc Gateway Expereience, fun to use), in order not to ''let go'' that energy, but instead, keep it . THAT was fun.
    These days, it's le printemps, days are sunny I have got such an energy I'm aware at times. I wonder if it's the energy device I installed in my house ''Syntonizer'' I'm currently in a free-test period those recent days, or if it's the weather, or atmosphere pressure, all of etc....

    This night I remembered 1 dream plus a OBE symptom within a dream (fast, quick-shift forward motion), plus other dream elements.

  5. #65
    bastien001 Guest
    ''Mind active, Body Asleep''.

    My, that was that state, yesterday.
    I somehow fell into that state, my body was ''slightly under'', and my mind was quiet, fine, at all capacity , conscious, present, in a trance stae, reality just a bit strange, far away. And my body was slight under, just here, at hand.
    (it's the second time I can like do this).

    This morning, and these days in general, I train about the energy work on legs using a new technique; I called it ''Sock'', ''Sausage'' energy work technique.
    Fact : having bended, Z-form, memebers ( here, legs), to do the Z form while sponging/stimulating/energy working is somehow demanding concentration on the vizualization that I have the impression is taken away from pure concentration on the energy work / energy efficiency.
    So I stated this : ''Dothe most simple form not to take attention to, and use it''.
    This form, would be a straight line. From my toe to my hip, it would need to be a straight line. If it is a straight line, it will not completely be physically in phase with my actual physical members. This does not matter.
    I start building a big ''Sock'', in which all two of my legs and part my hands (rested on my thighs) are included. I do a full Sock sweeping back and forth - hips to toes, toes to hips.
    Soon I can feel not only a modification in my hands and legs sensations, but also around it. I can feel, I get into the feel, that the air comprised in the giant sock is energy worked upon.

    I'll have to post a drawing of the giant sock.

    This could be a new technique; in fact, I'm still experimenting with it.
    I have also discovered, a synergy effect of learning Quantum Touch, a ''resonance'' concept while applying this energy work (that I use with the giant sock technique).

    Resonance...I'll have to describe this on this post, too !!

    Have Fun...
    MAP Rules.

  6. #66
    bastien001 Guest
    This night:
    woke up at 5h45, could have started an OBE exit routine...
    spontaneous waking, feeling plenty resfreshed.
    Recall of 2 night dreams + most recent under the shower...

    Morning : training yes, but mostly at trance, caus ebig cold unsufficiently coated, got shiverings during all transportation time... so phys. relaxation could'nt. Despite, using transcendence hemi-sync CD, got into tranced state, close to C-1, with wordless mind.
    Close to the dreamstate, with dream vizes/ dreamy thinkings, but did not loose consicouness.
    No verbalities even in the dream sceneries, and despite dreamings and such, I was able to continue energy work (might be some interruptions ?)
    Used ''big sock'' for legs stimulation. But the shape of the sock wasn't comfortable, so I decided to mix two different techniques : space-floating puppet and big sock (applying the big sock to the space puppet). Also, used ''tunnel'' technique for stimulation of primary centers (2 all centers rounds + 1 round)., as regularly these days for 2 weeks.
    second train : same close to dreamland state, but still using big sock on legs stimulation technique with a pink noise track to cover outside sounds a bit.
    Remained clear-minded, stable, pretty much in control despite all really close to sleeping. (was unexpectedly sleepy, although not tired) - did not loose consciouness over to dream or sleep.

  7. #67
    bastien001 Guest
    Tremendous event : semi-internal projection at work !!!

    ow, man; i've gotta write it somewhere, I'm just back from the toilets where I did a pause from computer screens and etc.
    What I did is (I discovered this yesterday) sit on the toilet, legs wide apart and sustainning stable, and back straight and in *equilibrium*.
    I did Quantum-Touch sweeps into my hands for 10 minutes or less.
    It's equivalent to do a full body sweep, toes to head, but then from hand to both (parted) hands - instead from from head to toe.
    I did this for a while and then noticed my hands were getting ''light-energized'', well, like similar to if hands were partially projected.
    I continued while carefully energy-sweeping from toes to head, especially with awareness in back, head.
    I did this and continued, enjoying the relaxation and mind -tamed, with bits of blabla there and here though.
    Then, I did a little exercise on my hands and tried to play with the ''disincarnate'' ''ligness'' energy feeling in my hands. AFter a while again, I decided that I was enough relaxed and progressively stepped out of trance. WHat I do usually for this is to take notice of my entire *physical* body with *physical* or such, sensations-picking.

    And here, to the miracle of my eyes, I AM NOT RETURNNING ! on the contray, I feel the ''déclic'' (no sound here -) , I feel the platform - I feel internally projecting -- and therefore, able to ''push the projection a little bit out of body, for instance !
    And I feel that, and I wonder :''man, I'm at work, in the toilets, i'm in a stading position, if I quit her my body, I could fell. I thought of my colleagues - as an unconsious will of not leaving my body here.
    A kind of strong repellant. I tried to ignore this and pursue the experience; but after a short while, I just surrended wondering : well i'm at work, if I fell and something happens or if I stay absent for too long (ie out of body) see, that chatting got me stay where I was no external move. After a while I this time luanched the progressive out of trance routine finely.
    To try to get out, I just invented there a kind of rope technique from the rope technique and I could testify here that the rope technique seemed to really work.
    I also kinda switch a short use of washing hands just before the rope alternate, and this also was fine.

    I was internally projected, or half-internally projected. Man, what the joy 's coming out of my cheeks now !!!

  8. #68
    bastien001 Guest
    1 night : got up ( around 5.30-6.15). State of mind clear, trance state (medium, quality, trance). Felt the perfect situation for a departure from there. Did a bit of energy bounces.

    2 night : second time wake up, state of pefect, stable, trance with empty mind. Ability felt to focus on the energy body like a breeze. And from there, to do a direct energy work for OBE exit and such.

    Train : Man, this is getting tricky. Again, able to stabilize in that state of trance, quality, stable, wordless....and perfectly feeling nice.
    I was stimulating brow cetner in a primary center routine, then, I felt projected into that platform state : just an inch, and internally projection would Be.
    The easiness, confidence, ability, to enter that trance state, compatible with such a nice level of well-beingness plus stability in being in a wordless state of mind, is just getting amazing. I feel good with it, and the results are so much enjoyable. That's a Blessing.
    I used the Hemi-Sync Condition A (Support for Journeys out od the body series), which I definitely recommend ! +++

    Have Fun Training with MAP.

    MAP Rules the World !!!

  9. #69
    bastien001 Guest

    just a little hello from there.

    I'm currently working on (the developement of a) a new technique, I call whole body sausage or seated-whole body banana or seated-whole sock...
    I am using different approaches to it because altough being powerful in potential (that's what I believe), it is difficult. I would say it's as difficult as the Point Shift method ! (also an original MAP really powerful one).
    I think I may make PDFs with the methods i created and draw them.
    Last 2 weeks I posted a complete method for a technique for Quantum Touch of my own (which motor is NEW, guess !), and 3 people replied to me and one person did really wonders with it on a patient, so I believe that ultimately this can be of real interest. May be I'll topic this into a small onlin ebook like ''Extended MAP, Contributor Bastien'' or something like that. I'll have to drw this so it's a bunch of work, then I 'll have to digital it , ...., ...

    So I'm working on my new technique , training everyday. The other day I did it and I noticed that over a few days several times I got short on breathing.
    I did notice once that still one hour after stopping tthe exercise, I was feeling that broad pressure area approx. covering my heart center and plexus center.
    I was wondering if I would somehow unnoticedly cut my own breath (side-effect from trying to synchronize some breathings with energy , etc.) and that would cause that strong a pressure ?, or my head slightly bent forward, would cause that chest strain ?....or the technique is that powerful to boost the centers ? Well, I guess that's the last solution.
    I still have to figure it all out.

  10. #70
    bastien001 Guest
    EGG Technique : most powerful travel-obe technique ?

    I reused a technique discovered back during the MAP program.
    Seated in the train, completely bent (head bent forward to the furthest non-control), strain accepted, and using a technique cousin to Big Wheel exit technique, except that wheel is more egg-shaped and goes from top head circularly direct to first base primary center (not i.e. to legs'soles).
    Well, the results were not up to an internal projection, but I was focused, mind tamed, sensations were neat. I settled my objectives first : "To internally project, with the floating sensation at the minimum level, at least". I started right away by adopting the bent over position, not indroducing it later.
    > This helped a lot in getting into some level of trance. Then I used secondary system stimulation, first body-linked, then un-bodily done.
    > Again, the unbodily manner allowed a quicker sense of loosing track of physicals right by the beggining, for all the good & the better !
    did W-B energy raising, using "no-physicals" (or spacy , space puppet and all the like methods),
    primary center stimulation, using "no-physicals" (I stimulated centers on a "body paralell to mine and distant of 7 inches").
    no particular mind taming, effort, it was just approximately there with no words no effort;
    then the Egg technique.
    I used the wheeling movement synched with my breath. After 5 mins, used a faster than breathing pace.
    I had unescapable progress in launching small sensations with this , that's why the title here. And not speaking of the real mind taming here.
    Finally, if physical strain should have got up, I would have continued with my focus, no matter ( the position is a little bit strain oriented; that is discomfort, RB !!!).

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