last night i projected after a 2 month slump. I have called out for a spirit guide in the past with no answer but i got one this time. I asked for his name which he replied in a mighty cosmic voice something i cant for the life of me remember but i remember his first name was along the lines of zarfonos with his second name being longer and even more cosmic. Now i remembered to be careful when calling out to random astral beings and so i cautiosly asked are you good or evil, to which he responded , yes, So i say hold on answer the question and he says good. Now for some reason I have trouble hearing the things he says next but I do hear him say something about my hand. I think so he knows I broke my hand badly which led to fibromyalgia throughout my body. I cant really hear what he says to me after maybe my thoughts of what to ask him cloud him out, im not sure but because im struggling to remember how to safely talk with a obviously intelligent being I decide i need to ask if he loves jesus christ from there on out it all just gets blurry and i wake up. I should mention from the moment i went to bed i knew i was going to ap. I felt a slight tugging on my right arm while lying in bed and there was a sense of a presence in the room and not to my suprise i easily closed my eyes and ap'd. weirdly enough as soon as i slipped out i immediatyely heard laughing which wasnt the most pleasent laugh ive ever heard. I have a sneeking suspicion i was visited by a bad astral being last night. not to mention before i woke up this morning i had a very violent dream regarding my family that really got me upset, so i hope i havent talked to a nasty being that is now going to mess with me. Id appreciate info on how to shake a nasty being from your life. But at the same time i hope i didnt just shut out info from a good being because im so fearful of the unkwon man i wish i had just let him talk and listened last night. Also just to throw this out there we put my dog of nine years to sleep yesterday so i wonder if he came to visit me and helped me to project since it had been so long since i had done it.