I've been having interesting experiences these past few days. They were all rather short but I was exceptionally lucid, and that allowed me to do some experiments, and to notice new things.

Yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night and rolled out of body. Just like the night before, I tested my sense of touch, I could really feel my feet on the floor if I focused on them! I was losing lucidity so I started walking around grabbing anything I could, and I managed to anchor even more deeply in the dream landscape. That's when I noticed a taste in my mouth...

It was a rather unpleasant taste... Salty burned plastic with a metallic feel to it... It felt like I had a bunch of electrodes plugged on my tongue

I tried to find out why I had this taste, and somehow received this information:

By focusing on the sense of taste, you can feel the overall health of your energy body. Start at the tongue and progressively expand your sense of taste to the whole body.

What happened next was rather surprising: I could "taste" with my entire body! But rather than really tasting things, it was more of a way to evaluate the health of the energy body, a sixth sense of sorts!

Healthy parts tasted metallic and electric, while unhealthy parts tasted more like burned plastic.

My feet and legs were strongly energized while my throat, heart and lungs were at their lowest... I guess that's pretty logical for a smoker who practices NEW? Makes me wonder if I made it all up, or if there's something "real" about it