There is someone that I met last summer who I noticed right away was using energy manipulation in a natural healing manner. I busted him at it even though it did go along with his line of work and we had a pretty good discussion. I learned that he did mostly chakra work in the lines of energy. I have felt sort of drawn to him a few times since then off and on. This past week I went to see him again since I am having a problem with having my 2nd chakra blocked and my first and third being very sluggish. Physical problems that go along with the blockage are also an issue and are under medical care as well. We chatted and worked for what turned out to be several hours and it was really nice to have someone to talk to about this that knows what the hell I am talking about. He did a chakra balance and talked me through being able to continue that work on my own. We parted and discussed getting together in a small group sometime and discussing all of this further. We are both in happy relationships and their is a pretty big age gap between us as well and I didn't think about attraction issues. The nights since that visit I have felt what I am almost certain is his presence and it is getting un-nerving. Is it as all possible that is is taking OBEs to another level and visiting me...whether conscious or not? I am taking steps and building wards this evening and am not scared...just rather disturbed.