Hello Robert,

When I attended your first workshop I asked you a bunch of questions so I could compare my notes with your own so to speak and was able to validate a lot of things

One question that I had asked which you said you would get back to us on (everyone in the room was interested in the answer,) was if you had ever astral projected into a Chakra. You said you haven't but you seemed interested and you would "put it on your list of things to do."

In the second workshop I attended you spoke about putting your head inside someone's body and looking around and seeing a universe, this is something I have done myself multitudes of times when depossessing, but I believe (if I am remembering correctly,) that when I asked you still hadn't gotten to projecting into a Chakra.

If you have done this since then, I would be interested in hearing what you saw when you did. In my own experience there are several subtle planes and several levels of awareness that a Chakra exists and each of them are fairly universal in a few of the details, but I would like to validate this with several other individuals experiences if possible.