Hehe actually I confess to having followed that train of thought in reverse... I read about the Robert / Maureen conference and read up on Maureen and then read her book, and I was so glad I did.. what an amazing book.

I'm hoping to make a visit to the Monroe Institute soon but I don't think that trip will happen this year... just a feeling, you know? In the meantime I'll work on Focus 10. Maybe Robert will do more workshops there in the future.

Thanks so much sweetie for the encouragement... on the one hand I am impatient with slow progress, but on the most hand I realize that I would be terrified by too many dynamic, crazy changes and that it's simply best for me to take it slowly and to practice, practice, practice so that it becomes a part of my life and my thinking. I think that way I only take on what I am able to reasonably handle. So while it's exciting to anticipate being able to whirl around the cosmos, I'm trying to realize that I can only go as fast as I am able and that all good things will come in time... and that these basic skills are absolutely essential as a groundwork. People used to be so jealous of my musical skills and achievements and while I did have a bit of a knack at it, I wanted to tell them "You could do the same thing if you practiced hours a day, too!"