i've been APing for over thirty, but there's some races of humans that aren't very present astrally, or seemed reserved to only certain areas/functions.

caucasians seem to be everywhere. and human-wise they were the only race i saw for a long time. and this has nothing to do with my own physical environment since i grew up in toronto, which is a highly cosmopolitan city. i had an equal blend/balance of just about every race/culture imaginable. i've also been more intrigued by exotic ethnicity my entire life, my step-father was black, my brother is half-black. the bulk of my friends have been asian, african, or caribbean. anyway.

i've spent more time in the astral then anyone i know. in that time i've *only* come across latin americans in situations dealing with aliens & the military, only in a 'migrant worker' type mode. usually working in complexes with produce, and food prep.

i've only come across asians (rarely) in situations that have to do with what i call highly-advanced human civilizations (off-world). one has been the underground city on mars, and the other (lately) is part of a training facility (space-station) for astral-espionage. typically in the medical or science field.

and only twice now have i come across any black folks. and that's just been in the last few months. one was a group of rastafarian's who appeared to have very high-standing astrally. and another i just experienced today...that was a large 'gang' organization with a definite hierarchy. interestingly all the men were black (with the ability to morph into dogs. all the 'typical' fighting/guard breeds...dobermans, pitts, german shepherds.) and all the women were white. the men owned differing numbers of women based on their position of wealth & power. there was also an strange tattooing process where tatts were given for everything. ownership, completed quests, achievement, etc (everyone looked like walking nascars with all the branded logos).

anyway. that's about it. i've yet to encounter any middle eastern people, or many europeans in general.

i regularly come across native americans, but i'm not speaking on an individual basis. i'm just interested in knowing of actual *groups* or cultures others have come across in their travels. human of course.

and i'd have to say that the astral appears (2me) to be more male based & operated. unfortunately!