I was very excited to start this program. So excited, I bought the book sooner than I told myself I would!

Night 0

I'll be starting my journal on Night 0 since I started reading last night. I went to sleep knowing that I would need to be diligent about a dream journal and expected to start the very next morning! My night went something like this:

We laid down somewhere around 10:00 pm and talked for a little while before settling down. At around 11:00 I felt the strands of sleepiness start to creep into my mind and I accepted that and started trying to clear my mind so that it would come, this was not part of any structured practice just some time spent on it personally to encourage the training to come.

I woke once at about 12. My fiance had not come to bed (she was upset with me and I didn't know it). I went back to sleep shortly after that.

Day 1 - Morning

It was as if my dreams knew I was expecting them and desired to deliver! In the morning the dream was still very clear in my mind as I reached over to diligently jot down my dream keywords! I was surprised how easy this seemed at the time. Then I got up to use the restroom, and when I returned to be to lay down I noticed I wasn't tired. I just didn't have the desire to sleep anymore. It was 5:00 am so I decided to wake my fiance up. We had a nice talk about how I had upset her the night prior and we both got up and spent time together as I got ready for work much earlier than I usually do! I told her the dream I had, as the recall was fresh in my mind still and I've read that if you tell it, it will stay that way. At breakfast (something I almost never have time for) I jotted down some more keywords from an earlier dream I had had but didn't remember until after I woke up.

On my way to work I said my Morning Affirmation. Once I got here to work I managed to use the keywords to punch out a whole page of descriptions of my dream.

I don't know if its the energy work I have been doing prior to today or just my enthusiasm for the program, but I feel great today!

More will come on Day 1 as the day progresses! I am looking forward to the exercises I will do tonight after work.