
I am 26 years old and have been meditating in one form or another since the age of 16.

I have been continuously experiencing some wierd stuff for some years now and would like to know if it is kundalini related.

I seem to have a form of social phobia as I get very uncomfortable in these kind of situations. I work in a very big global company but still can't seem to get over this. But the thing is that the sypmtoms of the phobia show up even when I'm at home. A form of cloud/tension builds up behind the navel in a couple of hours of waking up. This 'cloud' spreads all around the body giving rise to tremors and shaking. This tension also builds up in the head and it seems like heavy pressure beneath the skull.
The experience is very uncomfortable.

I do breathing exercises to relieve this pressure. As I do the exercises, it seems like the cloud retracts from all parts of the body and goes into the head - from where it is released out. The feeling after this is very relaxed. Sometimes it even seems blissful.

Can someone help me with this and tell me if this is kundalini related?
