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Thread: Has there ever been RTZ Scientific Study?

  1. #31
    qbeac Guest
    Hi pmlonline, please, what does IMHO mean?

    Also, where do you get the information about what creates good or bad karma in relation to trying to prove the reality of these experiences? Have you perhaps obtained that information yourself through your own experiences or you have heard it from somebody else? If so, where have you heard it?

    Thanks. qbeac.

  2. #32
    kazbadan Guest
    pmonline, i see what ou mean: no one will give attention to it if someone finds the proof of OBEs and so on, but we must remember something important: with that proof to the world, probably 99,99 of the people will not care (they will think that iis bull♥♥♥♥, they will continue with their normal lifes, etc) but some people will be aware of that discovery and that will change their minds.

    It makes me remember a story about Buddha life. After he reach the illumination (nirvana/nibana) he thought "The world is to much insane, no one cares about what i´ve found. People are too lazy and to "dumb" for my disovery, so i will not teach my learnings to no one". After that, a god appeared to him in dreams (or while OBEing ) and said to him:
    "Listen you really must teach the path for Nirvana...even knowing that the majority of people will not care about the Path, at least some people will get "illuminated". There are people that are really trying to reach a Noble state like yours, so please teach!".

    Buddha thought on his words and he changed his mind...and that was a real great choice! At least one people didnt get insane in life due to his teachings: me .

    (the story is not exactly- the details- like that but you get the point).

    So, my idea is: teach OBE and spread it. Find proofs for OBE and show it to the world. Some people in the world will say "thank you" to you later. Just my idea.

    Just one question (off topic but maybe of interest for other guys): the superhuman guy that you speak about, have you ever saw some of his powers in front of you? The capabilitie to disapear or levitate? Thats interesting. Thanks

    Qbeac: IMHO means: in my humble opinion. IMO means in my opinion.

  3. #33
    Tombo Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispassion
    Its good to need proof. Certainly it is foolish to just believe other people's experiences and take it as a real part of your own life without trying to replicate it. That is all scientists do anyway - science has actually NEVER proved anything! All they do is say 'When I do so and so - this happens, do you AGREE?'. Then another scientist tries the same thing and goes either 'Yes! When I did so and so, this happened like you said - I AGREE' or 'No! When I did so and so, something else happened/nothing happened - I don't Agree'.

    In other words, scientists never prove anything, they only agree with each other about what they are each INDIVIDUALLY perceiving. That's the nature of life and perception. You are a single ALONE perceiver who either agrees with others about what you perceive ('sane') or do not agree at all with others ('insane'). This is the common way of labelling these two types of perceiver, anyway!

    The TRUTH is that the only thing that's real is what you are perceiving right now - whatever that is. What anyone else perceives is hoo hah. Sometimes it is useful to be able to corroborate with other perceivers that you see the same things, but you can never pretend to know anything for sure. It can never constitute 'proof'. The only science where true, purely logical, proof exists is Mathematics, and even that is debateable. A self perpetuating cycle of logic proving itself to be valid, but based all the same on assumptions of logical mathematical 'truth' which only exist in the mind!!! Specifically the human mind. Maths to a dog is 'When is my next bowl of biscuits?'.

    So go ahead and try to experience what everyone else has experienced, see if you agree, or not. When you finally leave your body behind, go outside the window of your bedroom to look at the playing card you stuck there face out at random, and REMEMBER it, come back and check if you're right. Is that proof? Is it proof if you do it 10 times and never get it wrong? I would say NO. But it will convince YOU that what you're perceiving is REAL to you, RELIABLE sense data, and somehow you are gaining a perceiver's perspective from outside your body. Have you REALLY left your body, or are you just PERCEIVING from outside your body? The two scenarios are identical. Who cares? Just do it!

    I agree with you Chris, but lets look at it from an other perspective. To find things that a group is able to perceives independently of each other allows us as a group to share knowledge about it, which may lead to faster growth of knowledge regarding that subject. Also to investigate the question of proof (card experiement) regarding the astral is relevant because it helps to understand the real nature of the astral. Then there is also an other aspect in it. If we can convince people that it is possible to proof the reality of OBE in the classical sense we may be able to change our whole society. And I mean a change in a good direction. So, I understand the proof per se is a personal thing but never the less it may be worthy to proof it to others as paradox as it may sound.

  4. #34
    Tombo Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by pmlonline
    Hi qbeac,

    Early on in life I've done similar experiments and have my personal proof. While out of body I would fly to someone's backyard and remember the details. Then while back in my physical body I would go to that place and look over the tall wall into their backyard to verify my experience.

    I know some people who can do what you want, but what I have to say is probably not what you want to hear. Early on in life I searched for supernatural proof. One day an unusual person gave me a phone number to a private group of people. This private group was studying under a person some may call superhuman. He could vanish right before your eyes-- no cloud of smoke. He could levitate. He could read your mind even if you were in another room with your eyes closed. I personally knew this person and it was not an act or so-called magic tricks. He had what is called continuity of consciousness. Meaning that when he went to bed at night he would not lose consciousness, but would simply leave his body in full consciousness.

    There are a lot of these people on Earth, but such people learn early on about an important thing called karma. I cannot begin to comprehend the amount of negative karma gained if such a person were to prove to the world such supernatural phenomenon unless that world is ready for such proof. Luckily, such attempts to provide global proof will always fail until this world is ready.

    The science community is studying consciousness. One day they will learn that the physical world is not as they thought. It exists because of the group consciousness of countless Souls in our universe. On Earth, certain things will not happen until the world is ready. Unfortunately a lot of gifted people have met this force. Such gifted people may perform a strict test in front of a group of scientists, and fail. Yet, when such a person goes home in private, they are able to successfully perform the same tests time after time. The success of such experiments depends on what the scientists will do with the information and the outcome. If the experiments will affect certain people by means of hardcore proof then the experiments will fail. It is similar to your double slit experiments such as the single electron. When the electron is left alone, it displays the interference patterns, even though it is a single electron. When you *see* the electron as it traverses then the interference patterns instantly disappear.

    For these reasons, I have encourage people to achieve personal proof. It is far easier to find such personal proof just for yourself then for a small group of scientists to find personal proof. The odds of succeeding decrease as the group size increases. The best bet is to learn how to project and keep practicing. Also keep in mind that projection of consciousness is just the beginning. Just as a newborn baby must learn how to see, a newborn projector must also learn to correctly see and not affect his or her surroundings while out of body. So perhaps for the average person, it may take dozens of projections to achieve personal proof. If by chance you are a more spiritual developed personality, then you could very well succeed in every test.

    You should get far better results if you use pictures that contain emotions rather than numbers and words. The Astral body is the Emotional / Desire body. You could have hundreds of cards each containing a different picture such as a mountain scene, the Eiffel Tower, the N.Y. Twin Towers, Mount Rushmore, etc. Also, the projector should learn to go to the Etheric plane, which is part of the Physical realm. Also, the projector needs to learn how to focus so they can project to his or her present time line. The science community is beginning to learn about this in the MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation)

    Hope this helps is some small way,

    Hello Paul

    I found it very interesting what you have to say. But to clarify things and to better understand you, I’ll have a couple of questions I would like to ask you:

    1) I would like to know what source you use for your comments: Personal Opinion, Personal experiences that make you conclude this, Messages from higher beings, Teachings from a Book/Teacher or something else? It would really help to understand your view better if you could clarify this point.

    2) Your comment, that Obe-proofing would lead to bad Karma, I can't understand. I learned about Karma in the Buddhist Teachings: It’s is quite clear there: Actions that are done with a bad intention (too harm others) will lead to bad Karma actions with the intention to lead otheres to happiness will lead to good Karma. It means that only the intention when doing something matters. If for example you want to help somebody (lets say I give him 10 $ because you think he needs food)) but (without intention) you harm him instead (because he actually buys drugs with the 10$), this will still be good Karma for you.
    In my opinion this is the only Karma-concept that makes sense and that is fair and after all this understanding was thought by the Buddha. So, in the Buddhist view, if you proof OBE to the world with the intention to help others (like I think we have in mind) this will generate good Karma, you want to help others so there is not way this could be bad! what you talk about (giving proof will lêad to bad Karma) is based on a different view of Karma. I wonder from where you learned this understanding about Karma that you proclaim. Could you also give sources or explain how you came to this view of Karma.

    3) You say that proof is not possible because it would change the believes of to many people. I personally wonder if this argument holds. I think that most people on this planet already believe in non-physical planes (indigenious tribes, Buddhists, Hindus, a lot of Christs also etc) I assume that actually the majority in this planet already beliefs in this things, just the western people don't. So in this respect I doubt that the group consciousness would prevent an OBE-Proof from happening. Whats you view on that point?
    Plus there are cases when people can perform miracles in front of People for example Uri Geller can do miracles on TV

    4)Then you say that now the time is not right. But how do we know when the time is right? Maybe it is right tomorrow? I mean, how should we know when the time is right? How do you know?

    Thanks for you input Tom

  5. #35
    pmlonline Guest

    IMHO = In My Humble Opinion.

    The information comes from many sources:
    1. The superhuman I spoke about. Yes Kazbadan, I saw and even experienced his superhuman ability.
    2. Personal experiences / knowledge while in and out of body.
    3. Specific books that I believe to be accurate.

    My definition of bad and good is very simple.

    Good = Construction.
    Bad = Destruction.

    How each person interprets what is destructive and constructive is an opinion based on ones point of view. I merely try to see things from the divine point of view.

    And of course there are various degrees of each. The splitting of a single atom is less destructive than burning down someone's house. Some may say that splitting an atom is not destructive, but a transformation. Take a proton. It is a vortex of energy with a specific intrinsic vibratory rate. After the proton is destroyed it is still energy but no longer a vortex of energy that made it a proton. The proton was destroyed, but still remained energy. So the proton was lost. Now if a proton and electron were momentarily destroyed and combined with energy to create a neutron then in totality over that stream of time something was created (construction).

    I was taught that karma is based on outcome, not intent. As the police say, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." If by accident a scientist creates a virus that destroys the earth then that will create negative karma even though the scientist had good intentions. Intent also creates karma, but in this case the negative outweighs the positive. I believe karma is energy. As you know, it is the law of cause and effect. When you move your finger you change all things in all creation on all levels *relative* to your perspective. Isn't everything relative?

    What I was saying in previous posts was that *if* a person or group imposed *enough* force to prove the existence of OBE's to a world that is not ready then negative karma is created. Yes it might be nice if everyone was forced to believe in such things. Perhaps it would create a peaceful world, but we have to remember that we're here for class as Earth is a great school. If the Soul wanted a blissful experience then it would have never incarnated in the flesh. Truth is, there are over a billion people on Earth that need to experience the expression of their wisdom that most would consider difficult times. It would be difficult and take millions of years for a Soul to experience certain things in a Utopian society. When a person is ready to believe then their higher self will guide them to the right place.

    It is possible for people to use extreme force to change the beliefs of others. For example, the top 100 scientists in the world could inflict enough force in the way of scientific evidence to change the beliefs of most people on Earth. People for the most part need a way out to deny truth. That is, it would be difficult for a person to walk around every day with their hands over their ears, closing their eyes denying truth that billions of others now hold. It is like an avalanche effect as most people are followers. Of course it would take great force for such top scientists to prove such existence. They or their representatives would have to spend time on talk shows, news, radio demonstrating and showing the results. Take M-theory. Most people don't have a clue what the scientists are talking about. Heck, most scientists truly don't have clue, but they are able to convince most people that such membranes exist.

    Therefore, it is possible for a talented projector to provide proof to a group of scientists. What if half the scientists would not spiritually benefit from such proof? That would create negative karma.

    IMHO science has and can be good. Sometimes our end results are not as expect. Sometimes in our excitement we ignore the obvious. Did not Einstein later regret his aid in the construction of the nuclear bomb? Something's are obvious such as nuclear, but other situations are not so obvious. It would be very nice to create a utopian world, but looking from a higher more divine perspective, is that what's necessary at present? I am told that the 1000 year peace period on Earth will *begin* in the early to mid 2020's. Until then, there are many shims that need to experience what present Earth offers.

    For these reasons, I am merely suggesting personal proof rather than hard-core undeniable proof of OBE's. IMHO Robert Bruce offers a well-balanced system in that he is not providing hard-core undeniable proof. Rather Bruce offers some good material that has proven to be enough force for people who are ready. The Higher Self does not need much to work with to nudge and guide a somewhat developed lower-self to the right place. When a person is ready, then he or she will be guided to the right place, which may be Astral Dynamics.

    People who are or near the path of Enlightenment are so guided by Divine energies that every minute action leads to wonders. These details even down to what tree Buddha leaned against may seem so trivial to us, but on the higher workings of the universe it makes a difference. When all these minute actions combine it makes a world of difference resulting in the teachings of Buddha or Christ. Some disagree that such religions played a positive role in society. From the materialistic point of view they are correct. Yet these religions played a vital role in humanity when considering the other realms from physical to divine.

    With good intentions science is usually good. Learning is good. Responsible is key. Perhaps a difficult lesson for humanity is responsibility. One who holds knowledge must be responsible. If you knew how to build an antimatter bomb then would you tell the world? Such a tiny weapon could destroy the planet. If you knew the secret how to guarantee an OBE every time for any person then should you tell the world?! I say that when the world is ready then the information will come to you like clockwork. Such vital and even dangerous information will come to you when the time is right. What if all the terrorists in the world could project to the U.S. secret laboratories and learn everything? That's not such a good idea. The world is not ready for such proof or information as there are too many selfish minded people incarnated on Earth. These people who are so focused on self will not incarnate during the 1000 year peace period. Everyone here wants to learn the secrets to projection, but they are forgetting two key ingredients—Responsibility & Intent. Do you truly believe your higher & divine self would guide you to the secrets of projection when your intentions are to prove it to the world? Intentions are key. I firmly believe if a person wants proof, then the best and easiest way is self-proof. If you want to prove it to another person, then teach them the same. If your offer to teach does not spark an interest, then that's a good sign they are not yet ready.

    I am not suggesting any absolutes or formulas for a specific individual. QM works with probabilities. The above formulas are just probabilities for everyone in totality as each individual must look inside if they want to know what they should do.

    When the world is ready, trust me, the information will fall into the hands of the science community!


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Additionally, the outcome of the tests would also be influenced on what the scientists intend to do with the information.
    I think this is the crux of the matter. Recently I came upon a news article on my Web browser speaking on the effects of Dopamine in the brain. The article began with the assertion that people who had "too much of it" saw patterns where there were none. When I read the article, the evidence indicated that people with a lot of dopamine could detect patterns even when they were not deliberately put in by the researchers. (But they were there, the computer confirmed it.) The data showed that the Dopamine in the brain could make people better at detecting patterns when others (normal people) couldn't. But the interpretation of the people who published the article was basically that too much dopamine makes you see patterns that aren't there. (In other words, you're delusional). My point here is that it doesn't matter how many times you prove that "paranormal" phenomena exists- if the scientific community (or the political system, for that matter- look at the present government and the debated existence of"global warming") decides that something isn't so, then it isn't-officially.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #37
    qbeac Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by pmlonline

    IMHO = In My Humble Opinion.

    The information comes from many sources:

    1. The superhuman I spoke about. Yes Kazbadan, I saw and even experienced his superhuman ability.
    2. Personal experiences / knowledge while in and out of body.
    3. Specific books that I believe to be accurate.

    Hi pmlonline, your arguments are very interesting, and I wish other persons who have a lot of experience and knowledge in relation to this matter could also participate in this debate to give their own points of view. For right now, I have two questions to begin with. You say:

    “...Therefore, it is possible for a talented projector to provide proof to a group of scientists...”

    Therefore, from your point of view, the issue is not so much whether it is possible or not to provide/obtain proof, because you already think “it is possible to provide it”, but whether or not it should be provided, right? (btw, as far as I konw, I also believe it is possible to provide proof)

    Then you also say:

    “...What if half the scientists would not spiritually benefit from such proof? That would create negative karma...”

    In your opinion, what if half the scientists would spiritually benefit from such proof? That would create positive karma, right?

    So, what would happen to the final total karma level, will it go up or down?

    Thanks. qbeac.

  8. #38
    I have a bit of a qualm with using karma in an argument: unless you have been studying it superhumanly actively for more than ten years and can actively show it's intricacies using it in an argument is both pointless and dogmatic in a way. It's complicated, hard to understand, and even for those who have studied it for more than the above, "experts" will often get it wrong.

    There is a way to "feel" the karmic impacts of an action by connecting to karmic dieties, but connecting to these entities takes a very deep understanding, one that I am sure that adept you mentioned had paul, but he likely didn't fully explain the entirety of what he was talking about since it's very hard to put into words.

    Karma and destiny are two things in this world that have been misunderstood because of the new mystical movements that are trying to validate thier own experiences by making asumptions on such matters. There is, in fact, a thing called "destiny," IF one has chosen to have one, or if certain factors come into play. Even then, it is one destiny. In different timelines you can find that the "destiny" did not occur.

    On the subject of the world not being ready for this: it's allready happened. Studies have been done in europe and asia, and have been made public! The monroe institute and the actually very public chineese studies which can be found through a simple google search are almost common knowledge outside the US. But, the comment Paul made on studies being affected by belief is mostly accurate in my own understanding.

    This is my own understanding of the subject based on info I get by looking things up for myself and talking to people, I won't even pretend to have looked at the karmic aspect of this, my philosophy is don't worry about karma too much unless you have a specific reason to.

  9. #39
    lkjewr Guest

    Thank you..

    Hello everyone, and hello pmlonline/Paul..

    All comments I request and welcome. I would particularly like your comments on the following pmlonline.

    I have had the thought that perhaps sharing certain things may be hindering. I'm still not sure.. I'm learning to see everyone as a Brother, everyone. And when I think of all the great things I've learned from others: from you and fellow forum members, on this and other forums, from those of us who wrote books, or in other ways shared great info with me, I feel like me sharing the info is sharing it with another part of myself. I don't feel right withholding. I feel thankful and grateful to share. When I share a discovery it could be likened to helping to pull up those who lifted me and pushed me up to where I am. And I'm not trying to say I'm above anyone. You all pull me up to where you are.

    If I withhold I feel secretive, and withholding from my means of me getting the info in the first place at that. How can I not publish my work when I learned so much from published works?? Like, how could I not share my new info on OBE, when so many people (forum members, authors, casual acquaintances, etc.) have contrubuted to the foundation of knowledge that developed the understanding, that developed that ability to draw the conclusions I did, etc??

    An analogy would be like, if the only way to get water from a guord was for 5 people to lift it and hold it while all drink at the same time. One person may drink a bit quickly. If he gets his fill, should he let go of the gourd? Will it fall on the others' feet? Will they still be able to get water with only 4? I guess what I'm trying to say is, we're a team.

    I notice that you are into 'The Author', M5 perhaps. He makes some points. He also teaches a very.. confrontational reality. I remember when I wrote to him saying I saw the HS. He only pointed out that I didn't see the whole thing, i.e. translation "You're inadequate, I'm the final incarnate not you, I am. I am most important, I am powerful, I know the most and the highest knowledgeable on the planet (i.e., tranlation: I'm insecure, I need to believe I'm above everyone else and that the majority are simply intrinsically less than me [minion] in an attempt to offset and hide my feelings of inadequacy and insecurity)."

    I've been there. Do just a little research on psychology- if you haven't already- and you'll find a pattern of manifest superiority as a reaction to repressed feelings of inadequacy. And I've spoken to two others under his influence and they displayed similar states of mind.

    I conclude his philosophy would state leave the minions to their beer and broads as they can do no more than that anyway.. And he'd probably say we have an 'individual' path, in the sense that the less evolved are stuck in their group consciousness and patterns. He's probably say something or other to the point that we're not a team unless you're less evolved I bet his take would be. I may be a bit off the specifics with that last point, but familiar with his work you get my point.

    I see us all as equal, and of equal potential- simply that most of us choose not to use our full potential. Thus the more of us are that aware and persuing our potential, the more of us can be consciously aware of our potential, and persue it, thus creating more examples, and more data accumulation to help everyone already progressing, and about to progress, etc. This forum and OBE is a great example!

    On superbeings and/or super powers: My biggest testimony for out-of-body travel leading to ascension is Ramtha, in his book through JZ Knight called The White Book. He traveled OBE to the point of at-will ability, and this developed to the effect of raising the frequency of his physical body until instead if just willing himself out-of-body at will, the whole of him went when he willed it one time. I wrote an article on this that I'm updating and will post here soon.

    Are you saying that by sharing my albeit mostly theoretical knowledge on OBE leading to ascension (i.e. like I'm doing at this moment), that I'm lessening my chances to reach it? In the article I raise such a point:

    Quote: "I was a bit afraid at first to open this topic, for several reasons, for one thinking that maybe stuff like ascension aren't supposed to be spoken of commonly or you might in some way ruin or impede your 'chances' at it."

    But further I realized:

    Quote: "It even brought up lingering (though steadily diminishing) shadow [Stuart Wilde - ] elitist thoughts of wanting to be better than or above others and not wanting to ruin my chances to be. (If everyone's special, then who's special?) Forgive me."

    This point is where The Author largely is- the elitist of the Shadow. I suggest you check out that interview pmlonline/Paul and everyone!

    To continue, what are your thoughts on me reaching ascension, in light of the fact that I'm sharing all I know about it?? Obviously that superbeing you met isn't sharing. I haven't seen an article saying I can fly, here's how. I've not seem him on TV- at least not displaying his powers, unless he's David Blane and levitates by standing on one foot.

    It's worth checking the Ramtha book out, as well as a book called The Disappearance of the Universe. Two ascended beings visit Gary Renard and share with him great truths, which he shares.

    Well, here is my collage of ideas, theory, and questions. Please reply in as much detail and explanation as you can Paul. I'm just trying to learn as best I can, and help as best I can (without getting in my own way!).

    P.S.: This superbeing. With what you study I believe you know that Monroe visited one (He/She). This one you met, in the US? And he specifically told you it's best not to reveal things?

    I really want to understand. If I have to make a choice of going into seclusion and being superbeing or not and not, or it doesn't matter, or whatever the case, I want to be fully aware knowlegeable of it.

    I like to think that we all can make it. The Ramtha walked around glowing, literally, and before he ascended levitated before people out in the open after giving a speech of what he learned through ascending.

    Oh! He hated people, Ramtha. In the process of ascending and raising his vibes he learned to love people. What are your thoughts on, if everyone such as even the terrorists could OBE, who's to say that the natural process of vibration elevation wouldn't help them too??? OBE and nonphysical awarness has made me more available to more loving and elevated vibrations. My heart has opened more. My gentleness has increased. There is a possibility that even in spite of those wanting to use such technologies for destructive purposes, the process or means itself transforms one into a more constructively intending being!

    Please comment sir, in as much detail and comprehensiveness you can muster- and thank you for all your sharing thus far and continuing. THANK YOU.

  10. #40
    qbeac Guest
    Hello everybody
    Hello pmlonline,

    As lkjewr and Spectral Dragon suggest, I would also appreciate further clarifications on the karmic argument, because the way you, pmlonline, have presented it (or perhaps the way I have understood it, I am not sure if correctly or incorrectly), it does not seem to me to be such a clear guideline to differentiate right from wrong. On the contrary, it seems to me very confusing and even misleading. It’s like what lkjewr said, if we, as humans, know of something that we believe could lead to a better future for human kind, should we not share it with others because we might ruin their opportunity of learning the hard lessons they needed to learn?

    Pmlonline, please, could you comment further on that?

    That being said, and without pretending to be right, I would like to explain one of the reasons why providing empirical proof of OBE might be important and necessary to do:

    The reason is because it might facilitate and accelerate the process described in the Howard Storm’s NDE which I include bellow (only an excerpt). His NDE talks about a “possible future” for human kind which will be “an optimum future”, “the best of all worlds”, as he explains. That would also imply the future for human kind is not written, but we write it ourselves everyday with our daily actions, thoughts, decisions, attitudes, etc. In the best of all worlds described in the Howard Storm NDE, the spiritual beings talk about a future in which all humanity will be aware of their real spiritual nature, and as he explains, among other things, when someone dies, the rest of them “could see the spirit leave and knew that it was time for the spirit to move on…”, which I think it means, together with the rest of things he explains in his NDE, Astral Projection might be a regular knowledge for all humans in that optimum future, isn’t it right?

    Please, I would like to hear your comments about this topic.

    Howard Storm's near-death experience

    The Therapy of Love

    Brief excerpt:

    "...My friends explained, quite clearly, that all it takes to make a change was one person. One person, trying, and then because of that, another person changing for the better. They said that the only way to change the world was to begin with one person. One will become two, which will become three, and so on. That’s the only way to affect a major change.

    I inquired as to where the world would be going in an optimistic future – one where some of the changes they desired were to take place. The image of the future that they gave me then, and it was their image, not one that I created, surprised me.

    My image had previously been sort of like Star Wars, where everything was space age, plastics, and technology. The future that they showed me was almost no technology at all.

    What everybody, absolutely everybody, in this euphoric future spent most of their time doing was raising children. The chief concern of people was children, and everybody considered children to be the most precious commodity in the world. And when a person became an adult, there was no sense of anxiety, nor hatred, nor competition. There was this enormous sense of trust and mutual respect.

    If a person, in this view of the future, became disturbed, then the community of people all cared about the disturbed person falling away from the harmony of the group. Spiritually, through prayer and love, the others would elevate the afflicted person.

    What people did with the rest of their time was that they gardened, with almost no physical effort. They showed me that plants, with prayer, would produce huge fruits and vegetables. People, in unison, could control the climate of the planet through prayer. Everybody would work with mutual trust – and the people would call the rain, when needed, and the sun to shine. Animals lived with people, in harmony.

    People, in this best of all worlds, weren’t interested in knowledge; they were interested in wisdom. This was because they were in a position where anything they needed to know, in the knowledge category, they could receive simply through prayer. Everything, to them, was solvable. They could do anything they wanted to do.

    In this future, people had no wanderlust, because they could, spiritually, communicate with everyone else in the world. There was no need to go elsewhere. They were so engrossed with where they were and the people around them that they didn’t have to go on vacation. Vacation from what? They were completely fulfilled and happy.

    Death, in this world, was a time when the individual had experienced everything that he or she needed to experience. To die meant to lie down and let go; then the spirit would rise up, and the community would gather around. There would be a great rejoicing, because they all had insight into the heavenly realm, and the spirit would join with the angels that came down to meet it. They could see the spirit leave and knew that it was time for the spirit to move on; it had outgrown the need for growth in this world. Individuals who died had achieved all they were capable of in this world in terms of love, appreciation, understanding, and working in harmony with others.

    The sense I got of this beautiful view of the world’s future was as a garden, God’s garden. And in this garden of the world, full of all beauty, were people. The people were born into this world to grow in their understanding of the Creator. Then to shed this skin, this shell, in the physical world, and to graduate and move up into heaven – there, to have a more intimate and growing relationship with God... (it continues)"

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