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Thread: I DID IT!!!

  1. #1
    rep Guest

    I DID IT!!!

    Last night, knowing sleep paralysis was coming (I can kind of make it happen), I flatted myself out on the bed and got ready. Sure enough, doing my best to keep my mind clear as it happened, and it came over me.

    I started to use the rope technique, but I guess I really never thought about how it would feel when it happened. So I guess, as most of you know, for every pull upwards, I would move forward, further out of my body. I guess I just never thought about it working with every tug, climbing higher and higher which each one. I assumed to be out of my body, but every time I stopped pulling myself upwards, I would feel like I was drifting back down. So it felt like I drifted all the way to back to my body in my bed. So I on my bed again, and this is when something was occurring that I didn’t think possible. I was trying to see by clapping and saying “clarity now”, but nothing was happening. I had been paralyzed before, and just like in the past, I had thought my physical eyes were opening a bit (I can move in SP), because I could see little bits of vision as if my eye lids were opening slightly in a fluttering sort of way, and I thought it could ruin the experience, because I knew you had to see with your minds eye. So I decided to open my eyes just to see what I would see, and when I did, I saw what I think was my room in the astral plane (?). (Now that I think about it, maybe I was above my physical body with out knowing it, and the struggle to get out of my body, was just the normal way that’s it’s hard to move around)
    It felt like it was reverse coloring, because the ceiling fan was sort of a reflected, solid white, as opposed to black in the darkness of night (around 4 AM). So (I think) I’m in my body, looking at this amazing view ….and I tried to roll out of my body or something, and now it became apparent what they (you all) mean with the head being the hardest thing to get out. I could feel my body rolling over in a sense, but my head wouldn't roll with it. So I used the rope again to move upward, and it felt a bit like my body wasn’t straight, cause as I drifted back down, it wasn’t straight down, and I kind of bounced off the edge of my bed and onto the floor. Standing up was troublesome, but still pretty cool. I had to move on to my elbow, pushing up, and kind of floated up into a standing position. All the walls (including the ceiling) were a dark brownish sort of texture (and not color) with white-ish specs in the them. Honestly, it reminded me of the music video for Peter Gabriel’s “Sledge Hammer”, where in the very last scene, the room goes dark and it looks like the walls are a starlight sky, and also the outline of this body, though my room just wasn’t nearly as dark.

    Remembering what Robert Bruce said about what happens when you look at your arm/hand, I tried to do so looking at my right forearm, and it did “melt” away like, but not like it had happened to him, where it looks like it’s ice and it melts away; it was a translucent sort of…texture (I guess) and as I looked at it, it’s broke away into all these strings that were moving fast, as if my arm was made of strings of black yarn, and a strong fan was hitting it pointing towards my hand from my elbow, making it lose it’s form and they just wiggled around. Looking across my room, all I wanted to do was to look out the window to see what I could, because I see there was depth behind them. Moving, as I’m sure you know, was really, really weird, as if standing up wasn’t enough. My room was bare, accept for my bed, and what I finally noticed in the corner to the left of the windows was…bare with me…. a dancing lazy boy chair. It reminded me of something I’ve seen in a video game, but I can’t put my finger on it. Anyway, it seems very happy and made me smile. As I walk past it towards the window, I’m not sure why I did it, but I asked, “Are there any good Angels around?”, remembering to add in the “good” to make sure I didn’t attract anything negative, but I said it with my mouth, not my thoughts, and I believe the words came out of my physical mouth on the bed (possible?). As I came closer to the window, it seemed as though the blinds bonded together sort of, and I could no longer see any environment behind them. Moments later, I woke up in my bed, smiled wide, and with a sense of satisfaction thought; I did it.

    I have a million questions, but I’m hoping anyone with experience can offer their insight and let me know if they thought if I was truly in the astral plane, and any suggestions or comments or anything. I’m mostly interested in the sight I had;

    Is it possible to image having eyelids, and have the illusion of them closing, but really I’m only producing them through my thoughts? It was just so unexpected to open my eyes, believing they were my physical ones, and see the room the way it was.

    I have just recently started meditating using breathing exercises every morning, which may attribute to me finally leaving my body, I guess, but one thing that’s on my mind is; rather then at some point in the day, I make an attempt to leave my body and have the experience, I’m just using sleep paralysis as a means to do so, when I go to bed. It seems that the SP will last longer if I try to fight it, and when I don’t, it doesn’t last long at all, and now, any OBE’s will only last as long as the SP does.

    Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

    And Robert Bruce, thank you. I would have never gotten this far without your knowledge.

  2. #2
    rep Guest


  3. #3
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    *Chuckle* It's possible that no one noticed a question in there- I only have a few insights. I do think you left your body, but your close proximity to it caused you to confuse viewpoints and come up with all kinds of reality fluctuations. I have done it before, separating and staying around my body, and effectively bilocating, and the feedback between both bodies causing most of the "My astral body is just like the physical one" effect. I think some people would say you projected into the etheric instead of astral, but I'm not that strict when it comes to terminology.

    Next time try to get away from your body, go through a wall and your sight may improve and the whole experience may become more 'mental' so to speak, if that is what you wish.
    BTW Congrats.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    rep Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    BTW Congrats.

    Thanks! And thanks for the input. Just let me know when your leg is available.

    As I mentioned, I'm using SP as a means to achieve this, but I am starting to do daily exercise (meditation mostly for now) to project from the trance state.

    Re-reading through Astral Dynamics, he was never able to project from SP. I’m not sure what that means.


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