It only gets extreme like that when im sleep deprived but it usually leaves after effects which can last for months until I block them out. The first time it happened I had a voice in my head from time to time for about 5 months until I started ignoring it. What brought it on and kept it going was talking to the voices and answering their questions. Since I started ignoring them after the last bout of madness theyve disappeared.

They still come back from time to time right after I wake up in the morning. When I was hearing them sober they were always the clearest in the morning after waking up. I hear the voice from time to time in some dreams which tend to wake me up. I had a weird dream where the world was severely limited for some reason. Its impossible to describe but in the dream I was on the corner of the street and there this big spike coming out of the ground with things chained to it and that was the whole world. I remembered that there was way much more in the real world and was struggling with being in a world of nothing but a big spike coming out of the ground and things chained to it.

Before I woke up the voice said "Lifes short dont make it shorter"

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night from a dream where I feel like im being stabbed with spiked or getting tangled in barbed wire and the voice is talking the whole way through. Its hard to explain but its like everything goes pitch black and im in a real uncomfortable position and I struggle with it until I wake up. Sometimes its like being stabbed by spikes, sometimes its like being compressed or clenched into a weird position sometimes its like being clawed and attacked by a cat. Its weird ♥♥♥♥ it never happened before until I had a few of these speed induced psychotic episodes now it happens regularly.