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Thread: Edge of trance

  1. #1
    lowell Guest

    Edge of trance

    Hello all,

    Just wanted to share a great experience I recently had. Been working on MAP/AD for almost a year and it has been difficult to stay focused and be disciplined. I've had spontaneous OBEs during a night's sleep but never a fully conscious one. However I recently had a great meditation session. It was late at night, as usual when I do it. I was about a half hour into it when I decided I'd try, instead of ALL the techniques I've tried before over and over, to just "whitness" my body fall asleep and keep a pinpoint of focus on 'awareness.' At that moment I could actually 'see' trance coming on. I don't know how else to describe it. Ofcourse I got excited and could not continue but it was great to feel that I could just 'let go' and enter trance. I will keep trying this technique. It might even be a harder technique than most people use, but for ME it seems to be very easy. I guess this whole trance/OBE thing is very personal and every individual needs to find what works for them. I've always tried the 'falling' sensation and 'downward' movement techniques w/ no luck so this time I tried something new and it worked. I will repost if I have more luck w/ this and try to explain the technique better.

  2. #2
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    Lowel, I really find this works really well for me too. I usually complete some energy raising and I might combine it with affirmations if I'm in the mood, then body loosening and just going for an empty mind. No exit techniques.

    Sometimes I wish I could just stay there forever.

    Sometimes, if I wake in the night and conditions are optimal, I'll lay on my back and meditate. Often I'll fall asleep. Once this led to a brilliant lucid dream, another time an OBE where I just willed myself to float out. I could get addicted to that feel of electricity before an exit too.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  3. #3
    Astral_Ace Guest
    I understand where you're coming from.

    The falling technique doesn't work for me either. Personally I just concentrate on my breathing to remain conscious while my body enters into a trance.

    Last night I managed to induce the trance state to a point where it was mind awake/body asleep, this was the deepest I had achieved thus far although I was lacking the energy to attempt a projection so I just maintained that until I fell asleep.

    So when I woke up this morning I was like "wow I can't believe how deep I got" seeing results in such endevors is always nice so "gratz" lowell.


  4. #4
    lowell Guest
    thanks for replies guys. yeah as i said i believe this is all very personal. i think it might help others to hear that if techniques aren't working try something else... i guess there's always the argument that sticking to one technique might work better too. but all in all each person can realize that going with what happens naturally sometimes might work better than inducing an experience or feeling.

  5. #5
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    All these falling things and visualisation never worked for me either. I simply supplied Monroe-style counting and brought myself into Focus 10, and went deeper. Ah, what the deep and sonor voice of Robert Monroe has enabled me to do...

    I guess it is like this - some people need to shove themselves out of their current State of Consciousness (see Tart), some need to let go, and so on.


  6. #6
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    I have noticed (in my case) that going through different techniques works better for me that trying just one- even the ones that work really well for me (like the ear-hiss method) get old after a while, so I go back 'to the beginning' and that way I don't 'get used to' anything.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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