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Thread: Flash_hounds Journal

  1. #1
    Flash_hound Guest

    Flash_hounds Journal

    Ok, well it looks like the training group is finished, so I am going to start with my own journal. This is everything that has happened since the beginning of the group training, you can pretty much ignore it unless your awesome and want to read it and gauge my progress . I'll post further developments from now on here.

    DAY 26 Observations - Primary centers + throat

    Yesterday before I went to sleep I did the entire routine thoroughly for that day (recently I've been slacking on mind taming and breathing routines). Wow did it help. I got a lot more of an effect then I had ever gotten before doing my primary centers. The only primary center I had trouble with was my heart, but my throat worked like a charm, I felt a collar of energy rapping around my throat, it was great. Had 3 medium length dreams that I remembered 100% perfectly. I wrote down key words while I was asleep and I couldn't remember that dream at all.

    Day 27 Observations - Primary centers + brow

    I did this exercise approximately 12 hours after I did the last exercise and I think this gave me a few problems. I felt used up and had a lot more trouble getting my centers stimulated and my raising energy. Really wasn't pleasant but I still went through with it as I wouldn't have any more time today to do my energy work. I will try and keep everything 18-24 hours apart now. I couldn't get any feeling with my heart, and although throat and solar p. were still significant I couldn't get as much feeling there as last night. The whole thing felt forced. I also could get very little feeling with my brow center but the temple bouncing helped a lot.

    Day 28 - Crown Center Stimulation + Rest Of The Centers
    Ok, so today I did the last day of stimulation which included the crown center. But before I go into that I have to tell my experience last night. When I was laying in bed I went back to why I blocked out my heart. I realized that I had tried to cover up my soul because I was afraid about the devil taking it because of a movie I had saw. But now after doing all of this reading I realized that if something did steal my soul I would be dead, and thus nothing had stole my soul, and nothing would without me knowing it. Somehow this comforted me and I felt a blaze of activity in my heart center and today after 5 minutes of stimulation I managed to activate my heart center! The next great thing that happened is I was working on my brow center and I felt an electric tingling there and then I felt something almost like someone had placed a partially melted ice cube there, it was pretty internal too but it felt good.

    That's defiantly a step up from yesterday. Also last night I remembered 7 dreams. It was real because they all inter-related which was interesting. Also I thought about this forum twice in my dreams. One was me trying to find out about Qi Gong for a thread in the alternate energy forum and another was about my thread about EFT for lucid dreaming and OBE. Thinking about real life is a step towards Lucidity in dreams I believe, and that makes me really happy.

    Day 29 - Elevator Method for Trance
    First I have to let you guys in on what happened last night. I read ahead in my book and read about trance and all of those things and since I went to bed feeling mentally awake but physically exhausted (went for a run...) I decided I'd try to go into a trance. So I'm sitting there and just coaxing myself into a trance sort of doing the elevator technique sort of just letting myself partially fall asleep. When all of the sudden I imagine going up in my elevator rather than down like I am supposed to. All of a sudden I felt very light all around my body, very slippery? As if I could move around, my heart rate went way up and I could feel tingling in all of my extremities. I didn't get any vibrations except for a few twitches and I wasn't scared... I think maybe I had an inner projection but my consciousness didn't switch to it. I turned over after trying to get this feeling again on the side I was laying on. On the opposite side I also felt a similar feeling in my left arm, but it might have just been my arm being numb from me laying on it.

    Anyway that was the big excitement of last night.

    Today I did my first trance stuff and it was interesting. At first I couldn't visualize myself going down in the elevator I kept floating through the top well my body continued down in the elevator...Maybe good for an OBE technique but defiantly not good for getting into a trance. Then I imagined a mans hands holding me and putting me down slowly, which worked for a while but then I slipped through his hands in my elevator. Finally I figured a mans hands weren't working maybe a woman's hands would, so I imagined myself getting held up by a women who then rigged up some rubber bands and had me slowly "slink" down. This was very effective I think and I could pretty much feeling myself going further and further down. Also I felt detached from my arms which was very similar to last nights experiences... My legs posed a problem but I think they are just tense from my run last night. I don't know if I got into a light trance, I don't think so, but I was defiantly close.
    ay 29 Night
    I'm starting to really enjoy the night time as that is when all the interesting things happen. I may have had a partial out of body exit last night. I was sitting in bed going into a trance when I felt the same lightness that I described before. This time I must have been slightly deeper in trance but I started to move myself from side to side of my body. Then I remember trying to get my hand out of my hand it felt really weird. After that I went to sleep. But this morning I woke up remembering another part of what happened last night. I was moving my arm around and it felt normal again, and I was sitting up in an angle physically impossible. I thought to myself, "I'm not really out of body, I'm just imagining this because I'm so close to sleep." Well that may have been true it may also not have been, and I was at an angle I couldn't physically do. But it may have been a figment of my overactive dream imagination. What do you think? In my partial OBE (if it was which I'm not sure about) there was a light in my room which shouldn't have been there as all the lights in my room were out.

    Day 30 - Ladder Method for Trance
    Nothing of great interest happened today except for last night. The ladder method wasn't as effective as the elevator method. But it doesn't matter because I still felt myself starting to detach mentally from my body. Trance is a lot easier than I expected.

    Day 30 Night - FREAKY DREAM + LUCID + SPOBE (spontaneous partial out of body experience)

    Ok, well here is my experience. I had a dream where I was going on a road trip with some friends (very energetic (and by that I mean, enery energy) people). It was a good ride for the most part but then I got to a stop station, where we all stopped to get some food and take a bathroom break... The next thing in the dream was me in the bathroom. I was sitting there twisting up a water bottle so that the pressure would turn the water into gas. All of the sudden I thought about aliens and realized that the gas was filling in the water bottle looked just like an alien, I turned around and saw an alien looking at me through the glass of the mirror in the bathroom and I punched it. It shattered and I froze up, unable to look around. Somehow I was half in the dream half in real life and I was trying to look around at my door to call for help (my mom) and then I realized the door was closed in real life, and in the dream there was no door. I couldn't move in real life and I felt myself wrench out of body in my legs and upper body, but I couldn't move past my stomach, and I still couldn't look around. So I re-entered my body and was still sitting there unable to move. I finally, with all my will, looked over at the other door and woke up fully. It was weird.

    Day 31 - The Stair Method
    This technique was fairly effective and even more effective when I tried to do it at night. But I had trouble visualizing the stairs they kept fluctuating in height. I know why this is (I climbed the great wall of china and it had a lot of fluctuations in height between steps) but it still restricted my trancing.

    Day 31 - Night
    I had another dream last night that had to do with me being removed from a group of people. It's strange because this would mark the 4th time I've begun to have a set of dreams that are fixing issues in my life. Although the other dreams helped me a lot immediately this one left me feeling... well... just bad. I felt like crap when I woke up and I think it addled me for todays exercises.

    Day 32 - Climbing Down a Rope
    This exercise is sort of akin to the going down the ladder exercise. Your supposed to go down and think, "Deeper, deeper," or something similar. For some reason that wasn't effective for me, at all. I got a lot more effectiveness once I visualized a number every couple of meters. It helped me a lot and I think I managed to get into a trance, but my body kept falling asleep and it jerked and I woke up. The whole time my brain was awake I just couldn't keep it clear today for some reason. Possibly from my very annoying dream... *sigh*.

    Also today I was stimulating my primary centers and my face started twitching underneath my right eye. I haven't gotten muscle spasms from doing energy work but as I move energy through my face I am getting A LOT of muscle spasms.

    Day 32 Night - Rope Technique
    So I was on the computer until about 11:30 and my dad was sleeping on the couch behind me. Directly behind me is an Aero-mattress which I just crashed on and I started to do the rope technique. I modified it so that it worked for me better. I imagined my self swinging back and sliding to the next number. I pretty quickly fell into a very light trance but then I for some unknown reason began to just climb up the rope in my imagination (the unknown reason is that I wanted to project Wink ). I did it for a little and I started to feel extremely fast beating in my chest separate from my heart beat. Then all down my friend all my primary centers were beating and my genital center activated a little... (ya you guys are all guys you get what I'm saying.) Then I felt waves coming from my inner thighs that expanded out but I couldn't keep my breathing up, it felt so constricted from the vibrating chakras. Anyway, I also had a dream which was really weird and it was reoccuring throughout the night. I really don't know what it was about but I kept waking up thinking, "(the location of my heart) 8 descriptive things 1, (the location of my base center/navel) 26 descriptive things." I also had a dream that I was talking to someone (hasalameth?) from over seas. The last thing that he said was, "I would invite you to come out swimming with us tonight, but you live across the seas."

    Day 33 - Feather Technique
    This was very, very effective. I did it in front of the computer and I forgot where I was I was so deep into trance. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see my screen right there. It's Friday the thirteenth which is always a good day for me so we'll see about tonight Very Happy.

    Day 34 Night
    Last night I was going to sleep (as I usually do at night). Well I was laying there raising energy and I felt an intense weight on my legs and arms. In my head I heard a women singer singing music that I have never heard before. It was good music too. Anyway, so that went on for a while and then I heard a mechanized women's voice (think plane terminal) and she said, "Welcome and be prepared for astral projection." I said, "How can I do it?" and she said, "Please, use your favorite technique." It was weird, I don't know if the last sentence I made up in my head, but the first one or the first few words came out of nowhere. Anyway, shortly after that I fell asleep. While I was sleeping I started to do my first reality check while dreaming, I had a dream that my friend was getting married. I thought, "He can't be getting married, he is only --" but I didn't draw the conclusion that it was a dream. Still I'm making steps. I also dreamed that I was telling my friend about my latest projection attempt... I just need to make to take it the next step and actually become lucid.

    Day 35 - Personalized Technique
    For today's technique I am supposed to come up with my own technique for trance. Mine is going to be a visualization of me skiing down a hill, because that appears to be very affective, after a ski trip I kept going into a deep trance at the thought of skiing down the hill. "Right foot, left foot," it was very endearing. Anyway, I'll tell you how that works out. Very Happy

    Day 35 Personalized Technique Night

    I got 4 hours of sleep, and very little happened before I went to bed that I haven't already written down, I basically lost track of where my limbs were and felt very 'heady'.

    Day 36 Loosening the Energy Body - Bouncing Technique

    This was sweet, I got up at 5:30 in the morning to do it, I didn't feel anything at first but as I continued to do it I started to feel a stretching feeling, and a buzzing all over my body. Good sign! I'm very happy with the technique and am excited for tomorrow. I think that I am closing in on my first OBE.

    Hehe, CF did you just make an edit post post? Very Happy Yes- Ain't that sneaky? -CF
    Ok I should probably do my observations from yesterday...

    Day 37 - Loosening the Energy Body Bounce Technique

    I had to do this laying in bed so that it wouldn't look weird but it was pretty much the same as day 36, and my personalized technique/smoke technique worked pretty well. Also I imagined myself on a feather floating down. I noticed that it is easier to quiet my mind if I switch techniques a lot. Also I have been CONSTANTLY raising energy for like the last week and I have noticed the effects in my daily life. Now pretty much every breath I take I raise more and more energy and I pretty much have to consciously think about stopping it if I have too much energy going there or if I am looking at something negative. But still it is good. The Body bouncing technique is interesting but I'm excited to see the new technique that I will be working on today. I haven't had much dream recall but I believe that is from sleep deprivation/ lots of protein recently added to my diet which is 'grounding me.' But I'm going to make as separate thread about that.

    Day 38
    Today was a REALLY good day, I did my energy work in my basement instaed of my room and I noticed a significant difference, although I think it was because my chair was more comfortable. I immediatly felt detached from my limbs and quickly fell into a trance. For trance I did the smoke rings method (which seems to be my favorite) and I felt waves going up my back following where I imagined the smoke. I seem to get these waves a lot... I wonder if waves (for me) = vibrations (for others). Anyway, it was all good and I enjoyed the loosening exercise. I felt a lot of pressure on my energy body.

    Day 39
    If yesterday was good, today was better. I did my energy work at my grandmas on a mattress. I really got the visualization down for the exercise and I felt a lot of noticable sensations. I'm really happy with my results. Today was my first day of getting dream imagery while in trance. Very cool.

    Day 40
    Not so good, spin loosening isn't for me. I got sensations with my trance again (smoke method) but other than that nothing really that special happend to me. So poo on that.

    Day 41
    Todays exercise I did sitting infront of a fire, despite some disruptions I felt myself drifting (wow I just had de javu) away from the conversations around me and I was in my own little place. I am really happy that I can achieve the trance state with people standing over me. Spin loosening worked slightly better but not that good... I think I could have projected but I didn't want to with my parents standing over me lol. I also had a really weird dream where I left my body. I was sitting in a chair and I did energy work. The exercise that I did is that I just attempted to feel the sensations and I did it and I left my body and flew through my house and into my kitchen and back to my body. I also had a realistic dream that I fell off my bed onto my dads bed (we were sleeping in bunks at the time) and this could have been an OBE as my covers fell off my bed and in my "Dream" I fell onto my covers, and then lay there and went back to sleep lol (I'm a lazy dude even out of body it appears). Anyway there you go, make what you will of it.

    Day 42

    This was pretty intense. I defiantly felt a lot of things. I went through the trance and then I went through the "Imagination" energy body loosening. It was very successful and I felt tingling all over my body. While I was doing it I had two images pop up into my head, a blue sky over a bridge and a black and white street. Anyway, I started to get vibrations in my legs and arms and then my heart (or heart center?) started to pound very fast and I got distracted and lost it all. As I drifted into sleep I had a "Falling feeling" but it was more me going back horizontally into my body, while most falling feelings happen vertically for me. That was defiantly weird. At about three in the morning I got up to go to the bathroom, and as I went to the bathroom the stomach ache which I had, had all day got REALLY bad. So I left the bathroom and blacked out in my hall, all the blood rushed to my head, or something happened, I don't know, but I fell to my knees and fought it off. Then I walked into my bedroom and when I closed my eyes I had a gigantic Neon ring in my vision, when my eyes were open and closed. It was kind of like a donute (circular with a small cut out in the middle.) And it was centered in my left eye. Really weird and it lasted for about 15 minutes as I went to sleep. There really should not have been any physical reason for that ring to have been in my vision, so I don't know. I removed my stomach ache energetically, and it is gone today but I was defiantly pretty screwed up last night, lol. Today (Day 43) is going to be my first projection attempt and I am pretty excited so I'll get back to you guys about that.

    Day 43 Attempts

    Ok first time I tried it I moved to trance and promptly woke up in the morning. Second time I felt light, and then a constant falling feeling before I woke up in the morning. Finally I attempted the rope technique but failed pretty miserably, I have gotten less sensations than I get from even meditating or doing loosening.. Although I don't think that the rope technique is effective for me at all, but I am going to try it again tommorow...

    Days 44

    For the last few days I have been doing the rope technique before I have gone to bed. I have been getting a number of falling sensations but the most signficant was the other day. I was having NAET (a form of accupressure) done to me and after you have it done you are supposed to spend time just chillin' and letting your energy do it's thing. Well anyway, I thought this would be the perfect time to do a projection attempt. So I meditated and quickly fell into a trance, it was the most complete one ever, I lost awareness of my entire body including my lips, which was weird. It felt like my face and my body was gone and I was just floating there. I tried to do the rope technique and it wasn't effective (as usual) but the more I did it and lay there the more tingling I got, I guess I sort of fell asleep because I woke up and I had my eyes closed and it felt like my head and upper body fell about 12-18" back down, although I was defiantly still on the ground. It was weird, what do you guys think of this?

    Ok, well that's all that has happened so far. I'll keep you all posted on further developments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries
    SPOBE (spontaneous partial out of body experience)
    We may have to add that to the AD-Pedia.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Flash_hound Guest
    Yay! I contributed!

  4. #4
    hasalameth Guest
    Hi dude! I see why you left the training group, and I don't blame you... Hehe, we should have that thread locked or just stored.. Like an artifact in a museum. I'll be more than happy to read about your progress. Take care my friend.

  5. #5
    Flash_hound Guest
    My love!!! Where have you been!? I'm glad to see you are back! [ I'm talking about hasalameth]


    Journal day #? (i'll check later)

    Ok I had an interesting experience I was laying in bed and half woke up for a second and felt my self getting pulled on and almost felt like I was dropping down through my feet and unfortunately I was taken by surprise and tensed up... But I think I am coming closer. The other day (last weekend) I was on a trip and I had a dream/OBE/OBED (out of body experience dream) where I was walking around in my car. It was hard for me to move which may be because my energy body was traveling 70 mph with my car... but who knows. It defiantly wasn't "real" enough for me to be sure that it was an OBE. Also the part of it that was a "dream" was that I was wearing a mask that I had to tear off. I have really taken a break from OBE attempts but now I think I am going to start moving back into it. I haven't stopped doing energy work or trance work... So it shouldn't be that big of an issue getting back into it with serious attempts. I will defiantly do some energy body loosening tonight and then get going tommorow!

  6. #6
    Flash_hound Guest

    Day # (wow I really need to read the day numbers) "Hand washing technique"

    I tried this technique both days and neither day worked... at all... so I think I'll leave this one.

    Day # Cargo Net Technique

    I didn't get this technique at all. I don't know what the difference is and it would be great if someone could explain it to me.... but I did have a good experience last night. In a dream I was laying at the base of my parents bed (they weren't in it) and I had an OBE, I felt myself lift out of body and floated around my house. But when I came back into the room my body was gone and I did the technique that CFTraveler suggested and "felt" my body and I was able to leave. I know it was a dream because it was day when I was floating around.... But I think I may have projected in real life which was the "lifting out feeling". I don't know...

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