Hi all,

I don't know if this the right forum section but because trance states are also discussed in the book M.A.P. I thought let me ask it here.

Ok, so I'm reading Astral Dynamics and Bruce says in Part 4, chapter 18.
That the only thing that is necessary for a OBE is deep physical relaxation, and light-normal trance state and a exist technique.

The last week I managed to enter into a deeper state of trance then normal, I gauge the depth by the energetic sensations that are more intense than my earlier trance states and also the sleepy feeling of wanting to go to sleep. I read the trance states descriptions in Astral Dynamics and Mastering Astral Projection, but still I wanted confirmation about this topic. Would you guy's say that when a person goes into trance and begins to feel sleepy that, that is a full trance state or still a light trance state?

I method for going into trance is to say my trance inducing trigger word, mostly I will repeat this trigger word every minute or so. I do not have a trance inducing visualizing method. I tried the trance visualization methods in Astral Dynamics but they do not work for me. Does anyone know other methods to induce a trance state? so that I can deepen the state.
