I got into the subject of astral projection with a friend of mine the other day and he brought up a question that he was interested in, which also rose up a question that I had.

First of all, I was explaining all the meaningful things you could do in the astral, such as healing, exploring, and spiritual growth. But amongst this broad line of subject matter, the fact that you could be invisible and walk through walls only triggered one question in his perverted mind: Could you sneak into girls' homes and watch them in the shower, etc.?

At first, the question phased us like a joke, but seeing as he doesn't dismiss the possibility of astral projection all together, and seeing as we are both typical teenagers in high school, this seemed like a question the both of us were curious about having answered. If this was possible, how clear do humans awake on the physical plane look in the astral?

I'm sorry that if compared to all the wonderful things you could do in the astral that this seems like an immature question, but I have literally read on and on about everything that has to do with astral projection (and have even projected once myself), and this is truly the one and only question I never even considered asking (nor had I even thought about it until my friend brought it up.)

So that's his question. My question along with that one is that I also read somewhere that doing things like this on a regular basis in the astral could result in attracting certain unwanted entities. In what ways could an act as simple as playing peeping tom attract such a being? In what ways could it annoy/pester a projector? How could one get rid of this entity for good?

I hate to sound so thoughtless and immature, but you've gotta admit, being a teenager, this really is just a normal question to ask what with the possibilities of astral projection, right? Answers to both our questions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Angelo.