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Thread: Was this a OBE or wishfull thinking ?

  1. #1
    projectaero Guest

    Was this a OBE or wishfull thinking ?

    Hey guys.
    Firstly i havent had a OBE for 3 weeks.
    Then today when my gf got up for work in the morning i went back to bed.
    This is what happened all within a 30 min break or so.

    1 - I felt like i was in a daze so i started to climb a rope which was attached to the roof which i did and then flew across to the other side of the room but couldn't get out the window.

    2 - I climbed the rope again but this time managed to get out the front of the house. but it was different, my car wasnt in the same position and where all the grass is there was muddy dirt and my car was broken into...

    Im thinking that the first may of been, the second tho im not sure what that was anyone shed some light ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Reality fluctuations happen all the time in the RTZ. Perhaps, though, it was an instance of clairvoyance and you should better secure you car.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  3. #3
    projectaero Guest
    and the first one was that a obe do you think ?

    the RTZ i think wasnt clairvoyance due to the fact once b4 i had a RTZ and there was a large cupboard at the end of the bed.. could be tho ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    Some possibilites are pregnosticative dreams or projecting to the subetheric of the yard . The subetheric is decaying and distorted having reality fluctuations as suggested by BeeKeeper .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  5. #5
    projectaero Guest
    what do these mean in laymens terms - regnosticative dreams or projecting to the subetheric of the yard

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectaero
    what do these mean in laymens terms - regnosticative dreams or projecting to the subetheric of the yard
    pregnosticative: To know beforehand, in other words, precognitive or predictive.
    projecting to the subetheric to the yard: Projecting to the energy equivalent of the realtime area that has or is decaying or is subject to reality fluctuations. Or, to put it in AC's own words:"Sub Etheric ~dirtiest part of home or city , negative unpleasant energy , replica of earthly plane but lacking colour or live prana , a feeling of closed in space"

    For more information on these terms look up
    Alice in Wonderland effect (in the tutorials)
    Reality fluctuations
    Projection to the RTZ, all of which are linked or explained in the ADpedia.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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