this thread is seriously sad, sad, sad, sad and just even sadder

its sad that some people here are suggesting that group meditations have no positive effect. as if all positive effect has to come from some outer physical action instead of an internal one. as if charity work makes permanent difference versus love

well, whens the last time giving money to a homeless man made him - not homeless??

you can give a homeless man a job, a home, money - and he will still end up in the streets. he isnt in the streets because he lacked these things, but because he lacked something inside of him to hold onto these days. and this is a very true reality for american homeless, who for the large part are mentally unstable people. their physical poverty is an outpicturing of their spiritual and mental poverty.

now what if this homeless man fell in love with a woman, who bore him a child, whom he loves as well. then love has transformed him internally. giving him a momentum to change for the better, and the ability to hold onto something in this life rather than walking aimlessly without a cause. That true change, true help is something no charity can do.

if you come with this baggage, this bias, this idea that a group meditation MUST create this outer physical change first, then you lack understanding of where and how change works. Change first happens from WITHIN, and then it manifests into the physical world. Whether this within means first the emotional, astral, spiritual or mental realm - take your pick. But it means, not the material realm.

So to judge a group meditation on some outer event by some time limit is ridiculous.

When people come together to send positive energy into the world, they are sending off this positive energy of love, peace, and truth to the WHOLE sum of human consciousness. Now the sum of human consciousness has a lot of baggage - THOUSANDS of years of baggage. It will take more than a handful of people, it will take more than a single hour, than a single day to make a difference from within that will manifest itself into something big in the real physical world.

That doesn't mean it doesn't work.

The key things to understand is - humans have free will. You can't force anyone to change from within, to force anyone to accept love a higher truth and so on. All you can do as another individual is to try to neutralize this heavy baggage that all humans have weighed on them since birth. By neutralizing or transforming this negative energy into positive, the idea is to help lift individuals from that baggage, that heavy global karma. This would give individuals who have always felt negative towards life, and opportunity to see things from a more positive light. And when you keep in mind thought creates, then you understand when they transform their world view into a positive one - they will manifest the positive changes for them self.

So its about empowering people by lifting the mass consciousness making them blind to their own reality.

So why do we see so many group meditations and group prayers springing up here and there? And why are so many claiming to be sponsored by beings in a higher realm?

Because if you have payed attention, then you would understand that the global human consciousness is so old, so dense - no individual alone could lift it or break it. Think about it, think about Buddha, think about Jesus. Did they not meditate? Did they not constantly spread positive energy for all? Yet neither built utopia for humanity.

Because one person can't. Two can't. Three can't. A hundred can't. It would take thousands of people working together to even make a difference, and even then this difference would only manifest itself on the other realms first - such as the emotional realm. THEN it has to trickle down into the physical realm.

So why bother?

Because there are BILLIONS of people lost in their own dark empty consciousness that life is suffering, that life is lack. And their thoughts of suffering and lack only manifest as suffering and lack for themselves and others.

No man is an island. We are all connected. We, who are more aware can't turn our backs and say "Your suffering? Well too bad, I'm not so screw you"

Because we are connected, we are One in the mind of God. No one can be left behind. And as you raise yourself up higher, you can raise no more until you start giving back by helping to raise others.

And if you refuse to help others raise in their own consciousness, then you slowly stumble backwards on your path.

Can group meditations and prayers work? Yes. But only when the spiritually aware take their path more seriously and understand how serious it is to help others awaken to the individual path as well.

So why don't we just tell people "hey raise your consciousness, yay!" Because think of all the hard core Christians. They're not listening. Religion isn't about raising consciousness. Its about sitting there and believing someone else did the work for you. Religion is going to hold humanity back in this sense.

I know that a lot of people like us - who are interested in things we call spiritual or supernatural - bump heads harshly with fundamentalists a lot. Unlike purely skeptical science that thinks were all the same - we know we are very different! But think about it. A lot of tension in the world is coming from these very hard core religious places - the middle east. The american government, and so on.

Do we want them to change? Yes of course we want them to change - obviously religious war is still real. Again we can't force change onto anyone. What we can do is think of the mass consciousness as a blind fold, and lift it. Don't tell me religious people can't change with your oh so negative thoughts. I grew up a traditional catholic. There aint nothing catholic about me today except for a love for Christ.

Christ consciousness

Skeptics need not apply