Hi Robert,

I'm 33 years old.I have had an eighteen year history of psychic attack.A few years ago kundalini was triggered.The problem is that even though I have had alot of healing to break most of the source of the attacks(curses etc) I appear to have developed this energy which is literally takes an ailment from someone and puts it onto myself.The mildest example I can give you was when I stood next to someone with severe acne on her forehead,the next day I woke up with it on my forehead and it was gone from the other person!!I have been told that there is Christ Energy around me.I am about to spend the next three years on a hospital ward to complete my medical degree so this will finish me off if I cant get rid of it.What I do know is that I was so overwhelmed with the psychic torment that I wished myself dead many times over the years.What do you think?Do you think I triggered this matyr energy-taking stuff of other people?Please help me.