I have been trying to just avoid it when I figured out I had it but it does not seem to go away no matter what I do. Its not serious but I need to get rid of it because it affecting my training too much.

Here is the cause. Last year I was playing video game in my older brothers room almost every weekday and before I left his room I had to check so that his things would be in its original positions so that my brother would not find out I was in his room. I feared that if I didn't change the volume, channel and stuff like that I would get in trouble. So I did this for months and eventually the obsessive-compulsive disorder got stronger and now I have re-curring thoughts about the past like what happened that day? or What time was it when I did this? stuff like that.

I'm going to try to just avoid the thoughts now, but I need your advice on what I should do? please...