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Thread: is it possible to rise kundalini multiple times a day?

  1. #1
    soulpower0824 Guest

    is it possible to rise kundalini multiple times a day?

    i was wondering if one could rise the kundalini energy up the spine mulple times a day, because it seems as i go through my day ill feel fine, and all of a sudden i feel pressure in the base of my spine and my heart will start to hurt and ill feel a bit intoxicated and then i go back to normal. After a hour or so it happens again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Frankly, I don't think you're raising kundalini at all. Energy surges up the spine are normal side effects of energy work when you first start doing it and then they taper off, as your energy body gets 'rewired' to increased energy flow. A true kundalini event is very strong, and has very specific characteristics. What you are describing doesn't jibe with my understanding of what Kundalini raising is. Pre-kundalini experiences, maybe.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    star Guest
    The first few times you feel anything, its going to be very strong. Strong energy is more subtle and works in ways you don't always notice.

    Unless it is Kundalini. Yes that is exctiing. I agree with the above post that its just intitial energy systems of a first timer though.

  4. #4
    Mahavatar_Babaji Guest
    That's kind of how my kundalini awakened, thus I also agree that you could be experiencing pre-kundalini conditions. How it started in me was that the base of my spine would heat up during meditation. After a couple of years it gradually awakened and now my whole back gets hot and sometimes painful.

  5. #5
    star Guest
    Mahavatar_Babaji, a few years ago I was given Shaktipat. I had strong sensations in my spine, and my heart felt like it was on fire for week.

    does the heart feel like that with kundalini?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Frankly, I don't think you're raising kundalini at all. Energy surges up the spine are normal side effects of energy work when you first start doing it and then they taper off, as your energy body gets 'rewired' to increased energy flow. A true kundalini event is very strong, and has very specific characteristics. What you are describing doesn't jibe with my understanding of what Kundalini raising is. Pre-kundalini experiences, maybe.
    It is actually unusual to have a traditional Kundalini experience, but that does not invalidate what most people experience and it does not rule out the possibility that it is really Kundalini. I have not had any of the drama associated with Kundalini, and that was why I had to put in as many hours as I have studying theory, practical technique, and case studies of verified Kundalini. What you should realize is that under ideal circumstances a full Kundalini activation and rising should be completely free of drama and unusual symptoms - these are side effects, rather than the main event.

  7. #7
    star Guest
    I guess it wouldn't be such a scary thing if more people saw it that way?

  8. #8
    Mahavatar_Babaji Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Mahavatar_Babaji, a few years ago I was given Shaktipat. I had strong sensations in my spine, and my heart felt like it was on fire for week.

    does the heart feel like that with kundalini?
    It sounds like your heart chakra opened up during that shaktipat. Heat and pain in the spine may be caused by the kundalini rising, but not always (in my case it has). Have you had any energy surges in your spine since having that shaktipat?

  9. #9
    star Guest
    A few years ago, and sudden pain that hasen't come back. I think its very tame since then.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Energy surges going up your spine can be very easy to overlook if you are in the middle of doing something else at the time. It took me a couple of months to recognize that I was experiencing them even though they were going all the way up to the crown chakra and giving me the chills. It wasn't creepy, the way it seemed to me like it should have been. It was a little pleasant, but then I tended to almost intentionally not think about them afterward.

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