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Thread: mind-split and subconscious projections

  1. #1

    mind-split and subconscious projections

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the mind-split and how it plays a part in subconscious projection.

    Today I was sitting at the computer trying to adjust some settings. I felt a very familiar sensation. It is something that happens quite often to me. It is when it feels like my energy body turns and “looks” in a different direction, while my physical body stays in place. It almost feels like being dizzy, but very, very mild.

    The thought occurred to me, what if I put my awareness in the direction it felt like my energy body turned. What would happen? What would I see?

    I turned my awareness and immediately started feeling exit sensations, even though I was not in trance. Can’t even say I was relaxed. (Computer work does the opposite of relax me.) But I felt the sensations anyway. Then, I guess, I opened my “astral eyes” and could see from a bystander’s point of view that I was in the middle of an OBE. I could see it as I looked on, but also felt what was going on in my physical body as it was happening.

    All while fully conscious. Very cool.

    This is something I will start paying more attention to!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Awesome, Mishell! I have felt those sensations before, and never thought to 'go with it' that way. I'll pay better attention next time. Thanks for posting this!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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