My wife works mornings and I work afternoon shift. So this morning she woke me to say goodbye, and after I fell back to sleep. I had a dream(can't recall it), but as I was waking up my eyes were still shut and I felt the vibrations coming on very strong, I began to panic and tried calming myself because I knew what this was now, and I knew this was a good chance to have an OBE.

As the vibrations were building and I began panicking, I felt/saw a woman rush into my bedroom and tried to stop me from astral projecting. She stopped beside my bed, and said "Don't do it" or something similar. I was on my back, eyes shut and to my left I saw a figure rush in to stop me. I thought at first it was my wife, but she had already left for work. So I continued to calm myself and while the vibrations continued I tried to force myself out. I tried rolling back and forth, but it only seemed like I was partially out, but stayed in. After the first failed attempt, I tried imagining myself floating up to the ceiling but as I was doing that, I felt myself coming out of it. Then I opened my eyes. Damn.

Does this sound like maybe I had the beginnings of an OBE, or could this have been a dream? Do people usually report a presence in the room when they have one? I know my mind was awake and my body asleep, because I even heard myself snore before I woke up.
Also, what should I have done differently to project. I think I may have tried too hard.
Any advice and comments welcome. Thanks.