Josac, many people never experience negs at all, despite their practices, so don't worry too much. Others think they've encountered a neg only to discover it was something else.

Since the astral environment is thought-responsive, people often project a thoughtform that frightens but it has no real power and can be treated much like a dream where analysis can yield insight. Dream imagery may also overlay an out of body experience and dreams can produce all kinds of nasty entities that people take for negs.

Even experiencing an actual neg doesn't mean you'll necessarily experience ongoing troubles.

People sometimes blame the Obe or meditation practice for exposing them to negs (and there may be truth in this) but I suspect, a lot of the time, it has only made them aware of something that was, at some level, already existent.

In 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Daniel Pinchbeck experiences negative entities as a result of taking a synthetic drug, similar to DMT, as a subject in an experiment. It's possible that accelerated development can throw us in the deep end at times. There may be a whole system of laws governing such things.