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Thread: A few energy work questions

  1. #1

    A few energy work questions

    1.I know that doing energy work can make you feel some sensations. But im working on my legs and when im done with one and move to the other, the first one will sometimes sill be tingling, should this happen? Also i noticed that my legs r becoming more sensitive to sensations too, is this ok?

    2. When i do my work i like to have my legs sraight out so bought a little autmn and i put a pillow on it but i think its kinda cutting off circulation to my legs a little (or this could just be sensations from energy work, idk). Any ideas i could use as a foot rest?

    3. And lastly i sometimes find my self working on an empty stomach. I like to try and eat only 3 times a day. So and suggestions for a little snack before my work (im thinking an apple) because i read you shouldnt eat a lot before.

    Thanks a lot JS

  2. #2
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    1) If sensations persist, it's usually due to the (energy) body rebalancing itself after you cleaned something up - restored circulation of blood may revive nerves, revived nerves tingle, buzz and possibly itch for a bit afterward. Think for example about how it feels when you slept on your hand and then remove the pressure from it - it takes some time to get back to normal again.

    3) Light, healthy meals should be okay. Heavy food that takes a lot of time and effort to be digested should be avoided. Fruit is surely a good choice. I personally would stay away from caffeine and white, bleached sugar before meditating, same goes for alcohol.

    Take good care,

  3. #3
    Thanks for he answers. But about number 2, instead i want to ask how and where do you guys (girls too) sit when do energy work and meditating (just for ideas). And also does posture effect energy work?

    And lastly can someone clear up when energy bouncing is. I dont think Robert defined it good enough (for me at least).

    Thanks JS

  4. #4
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    Many books have been written about good energy work posture. Good body alignments help energy flow, whether standing, lying down, sitting or in movement.

    The most basic rule is: Keep your spine straight when meditating or energy work. This rule is not absolutely universal, but can be very helpful.

    I don't know what you are describing in 2), actually. I cannot picture it, sorry.


  5. #5
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    He means ottoman.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
    I've found I'm more proficient when I'm in the sofa, train, bathroom... or whatever place I feel comfortable. Ie, apart of what it could be understood as "formal".

  7. #7
    Ok well ima just keep using were ive been doing work.but i have also noticed lately that when done energy work i get flashing lights when my eyes are closed. Sort of like strobe lights. This was when i was working on my foot. And clue wht this is. I think i heard someone say the brow chakra but im not sure.

    Thanks JS

  8. #8
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    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: A few energy work questions

    Quote Originally Posted by JoSac
    1.I know that doing energy work can make you feel some sensations. But im working on my legs and when im done with one and move to the other, the first one will sometimes sill be tingling, should this happen? Also i noticed that my legs r becoming more sensitive to sensations too, is this ok?

    2. When i do my work i like to have my legs sraight out so bought a little autmn and i put a pillow on it but i think its kinda cutting off circulation to my legs a little (or this could just be sensations from energy work, idk). Any ideas i could use as a foot rest?

    3. And lastly i sometimes find my self working on an empty stomach. I like to try and eat only 3 times a day. So and suggestions for a little snack before my work (im thinking an apple) because i read you shouldnt eat a lot before.

    Thanks a lot JS

    I use to practice NEW after eating, ie, with a full stomach. I've not noted any difference in between empty or full. With a full one your mind doesn't have to worry about feeding itself.

    The posture? Many. Laid down in the sofa, sat down in the train,... Don't limit yourself with such things. That perfect picture of the yogi master, in a flowered mountain, accompanied with the gentle buzzing of a water stream is of another age.

  10. #10
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    And uncomfortable to boot.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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