Hello all, I thought I'd weigh back in based on some stuff I've been doing since Jan. Unfortunately I was never able to get OOB working for me, but I'm not a give up kind of guy so I switched over to practicing lucid dreaming as a possible stepping stone to OOB. I have made a small amount of progress there, where I have at least had a LD and have made great leaps in my dream work. One of the things you can practice with LD is an attempt called WILD. That is a wake induced lucid dream. So how that ties back to this thread is in the imagery. I started speaking with folks who've had hundreds if not thousands of lucid dreams and they are all saying the same thing about these swirls and lines of color, that they are hypnagogic imagery. I've not been able to make WILD work for me yet, but I have made progress with this imagery. I can now make it do certain things like spin in different directions, change colors, form some shapes. I've also been able to on occasion hold with it long enough in this process to have the random imagery form more complex patterns and then control those patterns. For example, one night they formed the rude outline of a spaceship and suddenly it was flying through the rude outline of a canyon. I was able to control the direction it took. Apparently you can keep with this and the imagery will take on more substance until you are fully in a dream and lucid. What I have noticed though is that this imagery also responds to energy work. I have had very vibrant and active energy patterns when doing energy bounce work before bed. I think this is where having a foot in both the OOB and LD communities is interesting, I'm getting perspective from both types of study that bleed over into each other. Beyond LD being cool in its own right, I'm hopeful I'll be able to use it to try to get OOB at some point. Anyway, I thought I'd post this here in case anyone is also interested in learning more about this imagery and what you can do with it.