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Thread: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

  1. #1
    niki123 Guest

    Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    My Kundalini awakening started in June 06 and since then I noticed people starring at me and three different times people had something to say to me which was not nice but I never got upset or angry before.
    I went to the Laundromat two days ago in the late afternoon and didn't think anything will happen just like other times I went there before.One of the washers was almost done so I was waiting by it with a laundry cart, when this woman came over and just grabs it.I told her that I needed it but she grabbed it from me and said that she needed it too.I let her have it but not before I muttered the word B8%$h.I went looking for another cart and took my clean laundry out and then put it in the dryer minding my business.Later on I took out the clothes that dried first and went to a table to fold them.The same woman came and threw her coat on top of my just folded clothes and I asked her to please remove it.She refused and I couldn't believe it.She said that she can put her coat on my table if she wants to and then she started telling me that I was not normal !I asked her three times why is she doing this and she kept telling me that I wasn't normal.Keep in mind that this is a stranger and she provoked me first and I had no choice over what happened next.I never get upset or angry but after she repeated that I wasn't normal three times something inside of me made me get so angry that I threatened to do something to her that I've never ever said to anyone before.I was as shocked as everyone there after I said it.I felt like I had tunnel vision as I said it and I'm sure that I wasn't the one who said it.No,I don't think I am possesed but it was sure surprising to me because it never happened before.Afterwards, I left my folded clothes in a laundry cart and I left,went home,cried a little but didn't felt responsible for what I said,then went back ,took the rest of my clothes from the dryers and then procceded to fold them as if nothing happened.What the heck was this all about ?

  2. #2
    Psychotronic Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    It can be only energy game with emotions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    It sounds like you had a disturbing experience, but you don't need to be concerned by it. It was an unusually intense lesson on the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries with the people around you. This tends to be more difficult for us spiritual types. It is better for you to uplift the people around you when possible and to avoid being dragged down by other people no matter how many of them there are or how intensely they are radiating negativity. Easier said than done. You were right to not take it personally.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    Maybe she was just a b..... that was having a bad day and it just so happened you were there.
    Yes, in the big picture 'there are no coincidences' and maybe you're supposed to learn something from it, but maybe, just maybe the lesson is to not take responsability for things other people choose to do. Especially from people who are obviously bullies.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    niki123 Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    Thank you for your comments.I don't think I was so affected by it.I found this experience very strange because she told me that I was not normal.I wonder in what way?Maybe,she was the one not normal.And the other thing was the strange experience I had when I threatened her.I felt like I left my body and didn't feel like I was the one that spoke just because I was so shocked after.Has anyone had this kind of experience ?

  6. #6
    Psychotronic Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    Everybody tells me, that I am not normal. I pure agree...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    She could have been mentally ill , emotionally disturbed and / or negatively attached . I agree with learning a lesson about protection and boundaries .I met a woman once in a doctor's office who looked like me my height my eye and hair colour and freckles . She talked to me bizarrely and told me things about me too . She was a drug addict and possessed . Some homeless people have this type of attachment which is psychic in nature but negative and aggressive .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  8. #8
    SilverWarrior Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    Im just now starting to read about kundalini today,i feel drawn to learning about it,but i feel a lil lost on were to begin. I did read about experiences that cause a kind of kundalini awakening. I think iv had two in the past 6 yrs my demon attack being the latest. Iv always been aware that i wasnt like others though, an ppl have found me strange my whole life. But iv noticed an increase in this since evolving through my attack this past year. The thing iv found with ppl i meet niki,is that even when they dont know what their doing or that their psychic,they can sense awakend ppl like us. They can sense or see what we truely are,to a greater or lesser extent,depending on their individual talents. It sounds like this woman has gifts,she doesnt know what they are,and/or they scare her. Its possible that she could also be mentally disturbed or hav a neg attachment as another has already mentioned. This woman being able to sense or see your power and gifts,and being afraid of this whole side of life,reacted out of fear. She went back to animal instincts and attacked you,sensing or seeing you,not knowing that she was doing this,but knowing you are different. The gifts and power in you scare her as much as her own,so she bullied you. Alot of unawakened psychics dont know what their talents are,scare themselves,and bully others that they sense the same in. They cant put a name to anything,but this unknown scares them,an they often do act like prats when they come across ppl like you and me. All humans are psychic and gifted equally. But our individual past life accumilation,and our individual paths,mean we are all at different psychic and soul evoloution levels. So all humans will sense a awakend soul like us instinctivley,even if they dont know what their doing.
    You were making that woman face something she had to and that she fears,and meeting her gave you something too..think carefully to discover it. I have had similar experiences with my anger,but im a fiery person anyway. Can i ask if you could sense anything around you,neg or positive when you threatend her? I would be interested to talk to you more,dont be shy to pm or email me

  9. #9
    forrest2 Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    This happened to me many times,,, people starring at me and whispering to each other ,, i heard one of them saying that i'm posessed !

  10. #10
    niki123 Guest

    Re: Can I please have your opinion on this ?

    Wow,Silverwarrior! I'll be more than happy to talk to you about this further.The only thing I could feel that time was this overwhelming anger coming from my solar plexus as she told me that I was not normal 3 times and it felt like an actual attack on my identity ,everything that I was.Maybe I needed to accept myself as I was for being different but still human.Maybe I had to learn this,as for her,maybe she had to learn to stop bulliying people.I had the impression that she did this often and nobody stood up to her.

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