From what I personally believe, true telekinesis doesn't exist, at least not for the human brain. It's impossible to move objects with thought alone, at least in the physical plane. Notice how every application of telekinesis requires there to be a small distance between the object and the experimenter's hands? Take a look at this video and see if you notice a resemblance: (a turning psi wheel surrounded by mugs of hot water)

It's heat energy. Heat energy is emitted from the experimenter's hands which causes the balanced psiwheel to spin. There's a lot of videos on the internet that claim to prove telekinesis, by having psi wheels under glass, like this one:

Pretty convincing? Now look at his comment, he explains in full detail how he faked it. Ok, now for the next:

I have to admit, this one's very convincing, but none the less, the author explains here that it was just a trick, an illusion: (look for post #238, past halfway down the page)

I do believe in a lot of paranormal phenomena, like astral project, mediumship, and so on. But telekinesis is something I would describe as impossible. If we could control physical objects with thought alone, then what would be the point of having physical bodies in which we use to interact with the physical world? If it were possible, then why can't spirits affect the physical world?

However I could be wrong.