As house ISN'T my house when I get out. I'm really confused. When I do get out I'll wander around like everything is perfectly normal, then fall asleep as is my custom. It's only when I wake up and realise I astral projected, then remember everything that I realise that nothing in real time even resembled my house at all. I have little modern white doors and yet all of them in Real Time projection are large and oak or some other dark, heavy wood. And the layout of my house itself is all wrong. It really makes me wonder if I had just thought I astral projected, but in actuality just had a lucid dream with heavy exit sensations. I know a big factor would probably be that I always project out of a lucid dream, as in think myself back to my body and then make for an easy exit, and I really don't spend a lot of time with energy raising in those instances. Any ideas?