OK..I was very contemplative last night prior to going to bed. I was thinking a lot about which road to take as far as different energy modalities to pursue. Then I went to sleep. I had the strangest dream.

I dreamed that I completely totalled my car in an accident. I then saw my spirit rise out of my body and I was looking down on the car wreck and my body in the car. Then something told me to go back so I went back to my body. The next thing I know, I am at work. But it's not where I work in real life, just the job I happen to be working in my dream. So I am at the office in my dream and I am TOTALLY banged up from the car accident. I mean my entire body is nearly black and blue.

Then I woke up.

Could be nothing to it. Just never had a dream where I saw myself come out of my body.