
Thank you for your help! First, CFTraveler, no I don't need an answer from Robert Bruce (no offense to him, of course! Your answer has been very helpful.

To answer the questions - Do I still see the being? - Well, I don't see him every second of every day and mostly I feel his presence and then, yes, I can talk to him which I used to do but I have pushed him away recently not being sure of who/what was happening. But then just last week as I was sitting at my computer I could see his face in front of me and felt him very strongly. I was dealing with a sick pet who, unknown to me at the time, had cancer and has since diied (yes all within a space of a week). This was the fourth pet to die in a year, fifth in a little over 1 1/2 years (although the pet that died 1 1/2 years or so ago I believe was actually the same spirit who just passed again this past week - reincarnated pet - but that's another story!).

Anyway, back to "the man" I could see him more closely than before - when it first happened he was standing off by a little wood shed thingy and there was fir trees - a whole scene. This time it was more a closeup face thing - he has a beard, by the way And I will confess, Like Star (the 2nd post) had mentioned there has been the element of "astral sex" in the past. The last time it was more of a wanting to meld with me. So, not being afraid I sort of let him and I actually felt good afterwards - whch I suppose is the other question you posed CFTraveller - how do I feel. I feel almost stronger despite the loss of my little pet being hard. I actually had wondered to if I confused this being with the essence of they man who I had been interested in when I first felt it - reading all of the possible things he could be I feel better. I never thought to ask him who he was - I think I was being as I have thought I had to be in the past sort of a victim or passive accepter of al the energy that has come to me. But what you said makes sense. I will ask three times as you have suggested and also pray for guidance and shield so that only good energy comes in. I really have to hone my psychic skills and I am glad I have found this forum. Thank you very much again.