I am new to psionics and other 'paranormal' activities in some ways and I am also new to this community. I really felt the need to share my experience to gain better clarity. Here it is:

I frequently have sleep paralysis and know many others who do. I've had them since childhood. I've always felt a sense of fear during the event and only recently have I read about it. I've learnt to endure them, but not enjoy as you suggest. My last experience (last week) was very unusual because this time I felt as if a "presence" or "being" was lifting my legs up and only my shoulders and head was on my pillow, but I knew that my body was on the bed. This never happened before. I also felt as if there was more than one "being" or "presence" in the room and the other one dashed quickly across the room from my doorway to the bed and then 'vanished' but it frightened me when it seemed to be rushing towards me as if attacking. This is also the first time I've experience more than one "presence". I've recently started meditating and exploring psionic ability (only just beginning to draw or sense energy) and none have really manifested as far as I can tell, but I'm wandering if this experience with the sleep paralysis is linked to my recent studies/explorations. Any thoughts... please share.
