I think i get what you mean, there was this period when i was surprised i could not remember things that i've done during the day, the day before or even days during the week. I think when you mentioned mindfulness, i assume you're talking about the state of being alert and awareness?

I can relate auto-pilot to being mentally disconnected from your environment to kind of ease the pain. In your case the pain caused by stress and lack of confidence. I'm pretty sure that when you're on auto-pilot you don't focus on what's happening around you and that leads to the lack of memory. The lack of concentration is really just the lack of willingness to suppress annoyance and this lack of will, i believe is caused by dimming of you're inspiration/goals because it just looks like they're getting further and further away, and the further these goals are the less confidence you have in yourself. It is a downward spiral.

I don't really have any ideas on how to help you because essentially this is a journey to finding your own identity. once you do that you will begin to have more self-confidence and get back on track to your goals. I don't know if what i'm saying is right, maybe it's alot more simple than what i have in mind.