This happened the night before last night.

I had a vivid dream in the morning, like a computer game, ongoing, many changes of perspective, with a ninja as lead character. Invisibility spells, monsters, etc. That was clearly a dream, and I woke up afterward.

But during the night I had this kind of dream that is most likely happening in a teaching environment - like the "astral discussion group" I vaguely remember discussing energy work (which immediately woke me up waking the projection reflex). This time I think I was being instructed - I was told about tranceing.

I remember little, but what I remember I do because it struck me as odd. I remember the topic was thetawaves. On the scale from deep sleep to waking consciousness delta is most deep, then comes theta if I remember correctly. So I was told about thetawaves.

Then I found myself in a state like the coloured blobs you get before going to sleep. But this time the blobs formed into a circle with - IIRC - a hole in the middle. I don't know the significance of this. Does this induce the theta state? Does this happen to some when inducing theta from a waking consciousness? I don't know.

I just know I remembered afterward what was said on Centerpointe's introduction to Holosync: The meditator enters deeper into these states, and that the bringing on of the Theta state is a deepening of meditation, and finally in Delta everything starts to resolve on its own. So I guess I'm progressing, but I have not fully grasped what the dream meant - can I go deeper now or is this the clue I need to deeper?

I like these "dreams that are more than dreams". My recollection of them is hazy, but they carry great importance for me.
