Getting past Day 7 helped me better understand the intended Bruce / Mercer training framework. Phew! It was a little more work than I thought it would be, but as has been stated nobody promised this was going to be easy.

Today I decided to enjoy the Second Relaxation (Deep) Preset after lunch, and I think I got a nice glimpse into what MAP calls the real time zone ; i.e., during the session there was a moment I very clearly observed my computer screen - even though I started the session in another room, and was away from it. I wasn't as surprised as the time that I saw the mirrors at the foot of my bed, and this time I caught myself thinking about how the computer desktop image I had chosen (a green landscape with rolling hills) would probably give me allergies if it were real. Then I considered...Hey! This isn't where I started, and quickly began to attempt to identify differences between my physical computer screen and what I was observing. Surely enough...Those ideas took me right back into my easy chair, and I only was able to notice minor distortions in the desktop image I had chosen. It didn't feel as if I was asleep, but then again, I didn't seem to have any kind of control over why I was there, and I couldn't seem to muster the will to move around, or even turn my head to change my field of vision - I was simply staring at my computer screen with some level of semi-conscious amazement. I didn't feel as if I had nay major exit sensations. Humph! Maybe this was a visit to the described RTZ?

I think getting a better grasp on the MAP Program's framework after Day 7 helped me intensify my attempt to concentrate on the Astral Projection experience. There was a moment where I noted what I could best describe as some unusual and strong upward pressure in my forehead - near my eyes - it lasted at the maximum about 20 seconds, probably 10-15, and gave me the impression of having my eyes roll into the back of my head and something trying to escape from my forehead - then it disappeared and my body felt interestingly light and empty - momentarily it felt a little fluidish; if that's even a word. I don't know what to make of that part of the Preset session...but I'll take what I can get, and look forward to additional training. Maybe the activity somehow related to an energy center.

Okay: Here's a last one that I at first was somewhat hesitant to post because of how unusual it sounds, but.... Also during this preset session, I observed what seemed to be an entity near me. Based on what I've read about others' exit attempts / techniques here on the forum I imagineered myself asking for help in exiting. (I haven't read all that much about exit techniques.) I somewhat clearly heard a voice in my mind answer: "I hate reservations." It really surprised me. Perhaps a reference to the idea that I've had all kinds of thoughts about what just might go wrong during a real OBE?

Finally, for some reason, I now can't seem to remember in exactly what order all of this happened.