
Last night I had a dream, where I became lucid (I've had more frequent lucidity since working with my chakra system for the first time in my life this week). Once I realized it I decided I should use the opportunity to project. I stated the intent to myself and all of a sudden the dream went black, lost its "dreaminess" and my arms raisedup and I started floating up, everything was tingling. My visuals returned and I was in my bed, my body felt super light, everything was tingling and rushing, and I heard a constant ringing. I got up out of bed, because I was sure this was a OOBE since it had all these signs. I turned around and looked on my bed for confirmation expecting to see my physical body. What I saw though was nothing, except my pillow was sunken in like my head was on it, my blanket and pillows were being displaced by something the size of my body, and my headphones that I use binural beats with were being worn by the invisible head on the pillow.

I saw this and I got a bit frightened because I was thinking "wow, I feel so light and non physical, what did these binural beats do to me if I'm not out of body..I am going to mess my life up" (that's how "real" it felt). I I'd just go along with it anyway, everything else matches the descriptions of OOBEs I've read (this is the first time I've been fully out of my body) but as I went to go out my wall I woke up (half expectedly, I figured it'd be the short the first time).

My question is, everything felt so real, but why was my physical body not visible (not even an outline, the only sign that it existed was the space it was taking up). AND, I wear those headphones almost every night, but I didn't wear them this night..so why were they on my body?