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Thread: Question about the third eye

  1. #1
    quietone Guest

    Question about the third eye

    I have seen inner visions of my heart and what looked like my brain.
    I see a bird flying every time I wake up in the morning or night if I concentrate on my third eye.
    I sometimes see blue dots while Meditating and doing Yoga postures.
    I sometimes meditate and see the time of when future events happen example: I see the time 2:33 and somebody knocks at my door at 2:33.
    Where am I at in the development of my third eye?.

    I sometimes hear wind while my body or head is vibrating with energy.
    What Chakra does this wind relate to?.

  2. #2
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Question about the third eye

    Quote Originally Posted by quietone
    I have seen inner visions of my heart and what looked like my brain.
    You are having clairvoyant visions of your own body. I've done it too but it never developed into anything else.
    I see a bird flying every time I wake up in the morning or night if I concentrate on my third eye.
    If it is a realistic thing (like remote viewing) then that's what it is. If it is like a carbon copy of the image and it is always the same then it is a phenomenon similar to my 'falling drops into water' that I see every time I meditate-not necessarily remote viewing, a phenomenon that I don't know how to categorize. Tom spoke about something called 'nectar', but I'm not sure if it is some sort of developmental symptom.
    I sometimes see blue dots while Meditating and doing Yoga postures.
    This is fairly common to anyone who does meditative and awareness work.
    I sometimes meditate and see the time of when future events happen example: I see the time 2:33 and somebody knocks at my door at 2:33.
    Precognitive clairvoyance.
    Where am I at in the development of my third eye?.
    It depends on how consistent these things are- the only one I find significant is the precog claivoyance. Does this happen often?
    I sometimes hear wind while my body or head is vibrating with energy.
    This is deep trance, and a symptom of your consciousness shifting focus from your body to the astral. It is also called astral noise.
    What Chakra does this wind relate to?.
    It's not wind, it is a phenomenon of separation. So no specific chakra, unless you want to connect it to the moonstone and some secondary chakra that is dedicated to auditory phenomena.
    Moonstone=Stone that encompasses the head, including the throat, forehead and crown chakras.
    As to how advanced your third eye is, perhaps Aunt Clair has a more specific answer.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    quietone Guest

    Re: Question about the third eye

    Where am I at in the development of my third eye?.
    It depends on how consistent these things are- the only one I find significant is the precog claivoyance. Does this happen often?.
    Nope it does not maybe because I don't ask myself questions during meditation much but I will try it again soon.

    I've been doing various Trataka practices for for a few weeks but mirror gazing is my favorite.
    Around a week ago I started seeing my face every time that I closed my eyes also I would sometimes see my eyes on surfaces
    As of a few days ago I started seeing faint whitish/grayish images of people, aliens and many other things every time I close my eyes .
    Sometimes a thought materializes into an image.
    Thanks for the reply.

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