Hello everyone...
I haven't been on here for a LONG time, wow, I've kind of slowed down on my projection practice...got too intense...things were following me around. I figured out how to get them off me, oh, and...when I was out in public, after projecting 30 times in 40 days, I think my energy was built so strong, I was just hearing everyones thoughts...feeling everything, it was intense so I laid off it.


Now I had a friend since 7th grade, 12 years ago (damn, time flies) pass away yesterday morning...He had a problem with methodone, his girlfriend helped him clean up...then, she woke up to find his cold blue body face down on the couch, the 15th of July.

He has been in northern CA for 3 years, and I had never gone up there and seen him yet...never expected this would happen, still kind of feel dazed out from it. So, I've never actually been there.

I'm a firm believer that life never dies...there are no borders...only what IT makes of IT...nothing is absolute. I am quite sure, being that he died in his sleep, that he never woke up, and apparently, may not even know he died. That's not why I want to contact him...I want to talk to him for other personal reasons, but I am soo sure that with the tool of astral projection, I can find his spirit when I'm "out" and talk to the actual Calvin Slater in whatever stage of life he is in now.

Haven't read it in a book or seen it anywhere, maybe this is a question for Robert, but I am so sure I can locate him and talk to him, especially since his death was so recent, and I want to know how.

Thank you everyone.