I occasionally get names or words whispered to me as I wake from a dream, ocassionally am told the name during the dream. Recently a poster mentioned this, and when I went to look for a name I was given, I found that the paper it was written in dissappeared, and I couldn't find it.
Last night I had two names whispered in my ear. The first one happened as follows:
I woke from a dream, I kept my eyes closed, and began to have vision screens. As I saw one I heard a name whispered in my ear, in a male voice. I thought to myself- The first word is the name of a place, the second one is the name of a state. I didn't write it down because I didn't want to break the trance, and I was sure I'd remember. After a bit I started going into hypnagogics again, and was shown a disturbing vision (besides the point) and this time, in a female voice, "Moira Descha". (or could have been Deksha). I immediately reached for my notebook and wrote that one down. After that I couldn't go back to bed.
Now I'm sorry I didn't write down the first name. I'm almost sure these were names, but maybe they had other meanings. Any ideas? (I believe Moira is greek for destiny, but don't know about Descha/Deksha).