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Thread: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

  1. #11
    asalantu Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    Hi CF..!

    There are a product from Monroe Institute labeled "One Year Patterning" (Gateway Experience program).

    ¿This has some to do with "Law of Attraction" phenomenology..?

    My best regards.

  2. #12
    lightningbug Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    thanks for posting the tutorial! the best I've seen so far

    I was wondering if anyone could help me out though. I'm trying to LOA to myself a better job. Except, I don't know what that better job is! How can I find out, what is the right job for me? I'm trying to LOA this right job for me, but so many times I feel like nothing will happen if I don't even know what it is I am asking for.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
    Blog Entries

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by lightningbug
    I'm trying to LOA to myself a better job. Except, I don't know what that better job is! How can I find out, what is the right job for me?
    Sit down and write out the things you want. What sort of work environment? Wages? Do you want a job that's physically active or more sedentary? Don't try to pick what job you want to do, just the conditions you want to have there. Hours, wages, benefits, all of it. Whittle it down to the things you REALLY want to have in your job.

    Then request a job that has those characteristics. I find that one thing that is very helpful is to totally replace the word "want" and "need" with the word "request" or "ask for". So instead of "I need a job," you say "I request a job, where I have such-and-such a work environment, where I work xyz hours, where I have blah-blah wages..."

    Make sense?
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  4. #14
    lightningbug Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    thanks for the advice

    right now im in that stage where Im having trouble keeping up with the daily affirmations. there seemed to be so much going on for the month of october, my thoughts were wandering

    I'm still curious as to what is everyones story with LOA? But I guess if you ask for someones name you should first tell them yours? Here is m LONG STORY that I wanted to share.

    I've known about LOA for about two years now. Early on in 07 I sat down with mom and watched the Secret. She's been into get rich gimics for years, so I first I was a little 'eh'. But I was happy to see that this has a real spiritual side to it. I never really practiced it or thought about it again for most of the year. This co-creating idea was more than I can wrap my head around. I was living a life based on poverty at the time. It took me six months to find a job in 2007. Many sleepless nights worrying about not being able to pay back my loans, or buy art supplies. I need art supplies to paint, my joy!! I was the most depressed I ever was, and this LOA business was just unreal.

    What got my attention, was witnessing events that revolved around my sister. For years my sister has had bad relationships with cars. Basically if you ask her, her answer is "I dont have a car". Even if she does technically have a car. .

    Now years ago she bought a nice sporty mustang. It was a hand me down, still awesome engine though. Problem was, she had no liscence. So mom drives it and uses it for work, which requires her to drive all over Texas. By the time sis gets a liscence, its pretty much moms car. This of course upsets her, she felt a little cheated out of some deal her. Basically feeling that mom stoled her car. Im not mom or my sis, I don't know the whole story regarding the money if mom ever refunded her. But I do know that car has become essential to Moms work - which helps put food on our table right?

    But this started the negative feelings my sister had, that said "I dont have a car". So she saves up enough money, buys another hand me down car. Seemed like a good buy at first. Until it nearly explodes. This thing over heats so much while driving in the texas heat, its fuming smoke. A man on the highway, stalks her, tails her. Until she pulls over pissed. He pulls over, runs to her window and is like "QUICK GET OUT OF THE CAR ITS GOING TO EXPLODE!!" What a nice man. Bless his heart. But nah, it does this all the time. Smoke, and lots of it.

    Finally one day it just doesn't start. End of car. More negative thoughts of "I dont have a car". Car is in the shop. She drives dads car. and BOOM. Crashes it. No ones hurt. Actually there was no one else on the road. Were not too sure how she pulled off that one, its not like she was drunk. It was daylight. Streets are dry. There was PLENTY of open road. She hit a CURB. A CURB! But dads car, that she had been driving, was BEYOND repair. Dad stresses and seemed to age ten years in that year. His meager funds allow him a little moped.

    So now the family, has four adults. One car one moped. This is a nightmare. I'm trying to get a job, my sis is trying to go to school, and mom can't chaperone us around if driving to other cities is part of her job. Were all feeling the financial crunch. I'm nearly depressed being jobless and car-less in 07. Can't go to work without a car. Can't get a car without work!! *public transportation too ♥♥♥♥ty* So I was trapped in a catch 22.

    Mom tries to get my sis a car. She doesn't have a lot of money and is running out of options. 1. Mom tries to find an inexpensive mechanic to fix the car that EXPLODED. and 2. Her best friend offers one of the family cars for a super cheap price. God bless her!

    My sister is NEGATIVE the entire time. She didn't seem grateful at all that moms best friend gave up a family car for pennies basically. Or that my parents were despartely trying to fix her exploded car. Just same old "I dont have a car. Its going to break down. yatta yatta" negative attitude.

    The mechanic was a ass. Said he would have it fixed within a month. MONTHS LATER and we find out he's not even in the country and he hasn't even looked at it yet. Sis is beyond pissed. She was SCARY. But in all of this time, she doesn't stop my parents from making a poor decision. I mean, it was her car and she is an adult! They still pay the money when he gets back. He promised it would be like brand new. Instead, my sis gets a car thats constantly shaking and rattling, barely reaches 40 and still has no AC for the texas heat. It was better off just being a car that has its own cloud. How does my sister take this? Not very well you can imagine. It did leave her in tears. And brought up old bitter thoughts of mom 'stealing her car'. Two weeks later, two thousand dollars in a ♥♥♥♥ hole, and the car doesnt start again. Parents, try to repeat history. Which has my sister laughing mad.

    That car is still with us today. Parents always fixing it, and trying to reassure my sis "its a good car! give it a chance!" lol. you know. maybe the car really does just need some love and acceptance??

    What of the car my mom got from her best friend?? It was a bloody nice car. A bit of a strain though. Because its being shared between three adults. Me, my sis and my dad.

    This is now, 07. That car that mom got from her best friend was a life saver. I was finally able to get my own liscence at age 23, because in this car crises over the years, there was never a car for me to even think of driving. People whose parents can easily provide them a car at 16, have no idea how priveledged they are. Not only do they get a free ride, but an early start at job experience. And now with a liscence. With a car that I can borrow. I FINALLY GOT A JOB! HURRRAYYY!!!

    I was feeling better, and saving money. For what, I dont know. But I felt VERY soon I would need this money.

    BOOM. Car dies. Dies. It's a mysterious cold case death in car history. It was a good car, it should not have died. They try to fix the car, not happening. My moms best friend is shaking her head, she doesn't understand what went wrong. That was her most treasured car for so many years. For the past few days mom had taken off of work to take me to work and my sis to school. This can't go on.

    When mom picks me up from work, she gives me a little chat in her old little mustang. Were in a real financial situation here. If mom can't work we can't pay bills. Were homeless. That was the reality. Sis has to finish her education. And me? She tells me I have to quit my job. Telling me to quit my job, was like telling me to chop off my legs and sew my mouth shut. It was more painful to hear than hearing the threat of losing our home!! She told me I would just have to wait until she can save up enough money to get me a used car. When will that be? At this rate, who knows. YEARS. I'm 23 at the time. I can't do this. I can't be jobless sitting at home with no funds, not even funds to make artwork. With no way to get to work because the public transportation is beyond ♥♥♥♥ty here. I can't even describe what I was feeling, but definately it was my freedom being taken away from me. MY FUTURE.

    And I wasn't even a party girl. Its not like I was using the car to visit friends or go drinking, only to work. That was it. But that meant everything to me. I was in tears, and just thinking about that car conversation, still brings me to tears. It was TERROR. TERROR!

    And I told my mom, on that drive home "I'm going to buy a new car tomorrow. You're going to take me to the dealer and I'm going to buy a new car tomorrow."My mom shakes her head, raises her voice "THIS IS NOT A JOKE! You don't have the money to buy a new car. This is all we can do for now. You have to quit your job. I have to pay bills!! Or we will be homeless!!"

    Of course she told me I can't buy a new car. How could I possibly buy a new car? I had the lowest income any member in the family had. When my sister was working she was making a lot more than me, and even she couldn't afford a new car. My parents make more than me. They can't afford new cars!

    I get home, and I immedietly start researching on the internet for new affordable cars. My mom shakes her head, and with pity, she tells me "I'll take you to the dealer tomorrow. We'll see what we can do. Maybe you can get a used car!" half-baked-smile. And I'm like "no. no used car. used cars are money pits. Im getting a new car." My mom frustrated with my in ability to accept the harshness of the real world, the harshness of real american poverty, goes to bed.

    Then I see it online. It wasn't a fancy car. It was little, like me Good miles to the gallon too. A little rio kia. And I look at the little rio kia online, with tears flooding down my cheeks and I say, OUTLOUD, no less "Thats my car!". Happy that I found my car, I go to sleep.

    ******************* PART TWO, where I rediscover the LOA *************************

    So the whole family knows I'm going to the dealer the next day. You know, you would think when the youngest member of the family gets her first shiny brand new car, there would be smiles on peoples faces. Arent dads always excited about their kids getting their first car? I got not a single encouraging comment. The entire time, my moms attitude was mocking.

    The LOA was already in play in almost humurous ways. We get to the dealer, very nice people. He looks at my finances. Apparently, everyone in my family has horrible credit. Except me. So it was my meager wage up against this new car. Moms and dads income can't help me. And he was honest "Usually someone with your income level, doesn't qualify....BUT WE DO HAVE USED CARS!"

    "No. I want a NEW car."

    He scratches his head and thinks on it for a while, good man. And smiles "ALRIGHT, I'LL DO WHAT I CAN!" Over the hour, word spreads that this little poor girl wants a new car. And the whole team is eyeing me like I was some strange curiosity. And I'm starting to hear whispers "She can't get a new car....can she?". Yet my ignorant stubborness has the crew excited, and they root me on.

    We come back from lunch to hear the news of their hard work after making a gazillion phone calls. We sit down, and the dealer has a serious, sad expression. "Now, honestly I wasn't expecting much. I didn't think you would qualify for this car. While you were at lunch, we got an offer! Thats excellent! And even at that, I didn't expect more than one offer. . . . We are still getting more offers!!" He's basically jumping up and down with joy. The reality hasn't settled in for either myself or mom. And he even goes on to say something like "the lenders were unusually nice today." "the lenders are fighting over you. the original offer has lowered his rate to compete!" and how the team pulled together to "sweet talk" the lenders. lol

    So we were able to choose the lowest rate and payment plan. still,more than I wanted to pay monthly, but in the long run it was a good deal.

    So, that same day I drive my brand new car home. Only yesturday mom was telling me to quit my job. Only yesturday I felt TERROR. I look at my mom in disbelief and say "What the hell just happened?" She's nearly laughing hysterically "Something that should not have happened.....did you use the LOA???" And she tells me about her best friend. Who has a MASTERS. Who has a damn good stable income. Who wanted to buy a car for her daughter not that much more than mine, AND DIDNT QUALIFY!!!!

    I get home. HELLO. NEW CAR. TEN YEAR WARRANTY. That made me feel so worry free. Ten years of car trouble off my mind. My dad didn't congragulate me. Not because he's mean. He was in honest to God disbelief. It would take him a few days to finally say "my little girl has a new car!!!"

    That night I looked back over what just happened, and I finally remembered the LOA. I did exactly what the movie said, not realizing it. And even though I know IT WORKS. I'm still in disbelief. Still struggle with negative reinforcement in my life. But I walked out a more positive person. And my mom started to take the LOA more seriously, and her income has increased.

    the car curse has not ended for my sister, or her negativity. Later on that year, mom bought her a van from her best friend again. EVEN BEFORE GETTING THE VAN, she was like "oh its a hand me down. its gonna break....yattayatta..death doom destruction angst"

    It's in our parking lot..ONE NIGHT. JUST ONE NIGHT. Next morning. BAM STOLEN. Sure we find it. But now its broken and still needs repairs related to the break in. NOT from being a hand me down. I wish my sister would take me more seriously when I tell her about the LOA. But who am I kidding? I cant even take myself seriously!!


    my only complaint wanted the BLUE one. but who am I too complain. that car is really a blessing. im pretty positive any other day and those lenders would have just laughed. and with the way the market is today...alkdjfla forget it. im lucky. and I should try harder to not forget that.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    I already shared my experience of LOA. I always - ALWAYS - get what I expect. The trick is to expect the right things, the right way.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  6. #16
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    Great article, CF and great story lightningbug.

    As for my fav...

    So, it's summer of '05. I was working at a school then, and going to school, so I had summers off. I'd just come out of a long relationship two months prior, and that combined with a generally rough semester meant I was pretty worn down and burnt out. What's the prescribed cure for this situation? Wacky hippie adventure!

    Enter an online friend from Delaware that I'd known since about '99 (I lived in CA at the time); we'd been kicking around the idea of getting together and going to a show (or a few) for about that long, but only halfway seriously thought we'd pull it off. Now with nothing to stop me and the summer metal festivals upcoming, this idea started being kicked around more seriously.

    I happened to mention this in my blog at the time though, where I kept in touch with a whole group of online friends that I'd known for about as long as the first guy, and was met with a chorus of "visit meeee!" Out of a sense of adventurousness or temporary insanity, or both (probably both) I actually agreed to this. Eventually this turned into an epic trek down much of the east coast, staying with those who wanted to offer a crashing spot and meeting up with a bunch more.

    Thing is, this ended up being a lot more than a vacation -- I saw it as a test of sorts. For starters I had been trying to get the hang of the LOA for about a year or so before that, so what better way than to go on a trip where the logistics and number of people involved meant that I'd basically be forced to use it frequently, heh. Beyond that, it was my way of trying to overcome a bunch of issues I had at the time, mainly things relating to control over my circumstances vs "letting go," as well as major problems with, and fears surrounding, getting lost in unfamiliar territory.

    Long story short... so many things changed and appeared to go wrong in the weeks leading up to this that it probably took years off my life. In the three months between tentative announcement and go-day, there were people being added and dropping out of the planning until days before I had to leave. The original guy got a job in another state and couldn't do it, and the order of the visits had to reverse at one point. The whole thing looked to be on the verge of collapse many many times, including after I left. But each time I chose not to stress out (to the best of my ability at the time), and said "this trip needs to happen, and is going to happen in the best way possible for all involved." As it turned out, the whole thing was like one long string of manifestations, lol. Some of the better ones include:

    The day before I was supposed to leave I found that I had no suitcase -- my brother had taken mine on his own trip a day or two beforehand without asking. I couldn't afford to buy new stuff and still do this trip... but instead of plotting murder, I did my usual "not going to freak out" routine. Shortly thereafter I happened to hear from my mom -- she had been out and about, and happened to come across a bigger and better suitcase, that had some minor cosmetic defect and thus was a small fraction of the original price, which I could do easily.

    During the trip itself, established plans could have been nice enough to stop flipping like pancakes, but noooo. It started out with security taking too long after my layover, and a change of gates seeing me run my happy arse across Phoenix airport with my boots and belt in one hand and holding my pants up with the other... but they let me on the plane even though they had already closed the doors. Yes, the mental picture is a lot funnier now than it was then. And that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the trip. Lots of similar stuff; there was one time when I was on the tail end of an all-day train ride and still hadn't heard from the next person since before I left CA, so I didn't know if I had a place to sleep that night. There was another where I got lost in the labyrinth that is Penn Station trying to find my train to PA... and made it onto the train at 1:33, which left at 1:35. Most of the trip was like that, pretty much.

    But y'know what? Not only did everything work out perfectly, it all turned out even better than anything I could've possibly planned myself, and by the end I felt damn near unstoppable. Ancient history geek that I am, the idea of ancient hospitality really appeals to me... where you'd let the weary traveler stay at your place for the night even though he was a total stranger, because surviving travel would not have been possible otherwise. Nowadays we have a lot of modern conveniences that tone down the survival issue, but people are also a lot more afraid of each other in general than we should be, to have things like this happen very often.

    Thing is, over the course of that journey I felt well protected and the whole thing had a sort of "magical" vibe, but I've been trying to get that back again ever since; I haven't had the LOA work for me quite as stunningly or consistently as it did for those few weeks. I have my theories as to why that is tho, and my goal is to have my whole life be like that. Hell, I want to strap on a backpack and just start walking; get to Scotland and back, with things like food, transportation and places to sleep coming together on their own.

    G'wan, tell me I'm nuts, I dare ya.

    (You'd be right. And I wouldn't have it any other way. )

  7. #17

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    Well, there was the incident I blogged here, where (sick of the quality of loser I was attracting datewise) I wrote down a description of my ideal man.. and got really into it energetically. Believing I was able to attract such an individual was a big step and it worked. Realising my needs and living by them also meant I attracted better people into my life in general, except for one notable exception but that was interference and has since been dealt with So, I guess thats score 1 for the LOA for me, because I set my sights on what was on that list, or nothing, no compromise.

  8. #18
    Timotheus Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

  9. #19
    Fish Guest

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    Great LOA stories guys!

  10. #20

    Re: Using the Law of Attraction, your experiences

    I cured some skin troubles with the law, i used the Secret approach ,i got amazing results .I wasted years of my life obsessing over those ''problems'' , i thought they were there to stay ,i even got doctors telling me there was nothing to do , unbelievable the level of ignorance of some medicine people .After reading all the Secret series of books and some Pavlina's writings I just started ignoring my skin and replace the belief i had about it with 'my skin is going to heal by itself ' and stopped doing whatever i was doing like scrubbing ,putting creams and so on .It worked .

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