miasria's timing on his/her account of possible mind control by government/alien forces seems to be amazing timing. I am not, by any means, saying that I am experiencing the same problem. However, my problems are very closely related.

Since January, which I later learned to be the same window of time in which several UFO sightings were reported in my area (I live in Illinois, United States), I have had several lucid dreams, all of them having to do with alien encounters. One in particular has been recurring, and slowly progressed from fogginess to longer and more detailed each time. I am not even sure that the dream has been completed, however I could easily sit down and recount every single detail of the dream from start to finish. The last time I had this dream in particular was the beginning of August, at which point I finally decided I was fed up.

I would like to know your thoughts on WHY this keeps happening, and WHY it gets stronger every time. Is it simply a coincidence, and a recurring dream? Or a psychic attack of some kind? Or could it be a memory, or even scarier, a vision of something that will happen in the future? No alien sightings have ever been reported in my area, yet this dream takes place all within 200 feet of my house.

Is there any way that I can fight this? Such as having someone purposely induce a lucid dream with this in mind, so that I can discover the meaning, find the ending, somehow find peace with this dream? Or, possibly, an OBE of some kind?

A couple of nights ago, I was having a lucid dream about a completely unrelated topic. My alarm woke me up, and I was able to wake up, turn my alarm off consciously, and go right back into the dream where it left off. I did this a total of three times, all within 15 minutes. Is such control possible?

This has been haunting me for a long time, and I am more than ready for the end of it. The sooner you could answer this, the better.