I received MAP CDs in the mail yesterday and I couldn't wait to check it out.

I have had a few spontaneous OBEs before but have lost track with my meditation practice for two years. I went back to meditation diligently since May, plus working on the chakras, and I have had a few more OBEs.

Last night I went right to CD4 energy work, which I have been doing chakra work anyway. I put on my headphone and went to sleep. I was in a series of dreams. In one of the dreams, I was trying to escape from something with a guy and we fell into a hole full of grass. I had to crimb out of the hole. So I climbed and climbed. From there, a different world appeared. It was very real.

I was walking down the street on the sidewalk. A weird looking guy was walking toward me so I avoid him by stepping off the sidewalk and into the street. The sky was dark but filled with the leftover weird looking kind of sunset light. I was like wow look at that sky, it's weird. The next thing I knew, an UFO ship appeared in the sky, very megnificant and very eerie. All of a sudden, I was hit by a ray of heat and light in the middle of my chest. Although I didn't see it coming, I knew it was from the UFO ship coming from above. There was no traffic in the street and I was the only one standing there, while some people were on the side walk. Then the ship disappeared just like that.

So I stood there and thought to myself, oh my God, I was just attacked by the alien! Is there a chip or something in me now? As I kept walking down the street, I kept thinking what I should I do. Should I go to the ER to take the chip out? I kept on walking until seeing a canival of some sort. I figured why don't I go on the ride. The guy guarded the ride looked at me as if he was from where those aliens were from. He attended to my wound as if trying to tell me what to do. We were communicating telephathically. I knew he was from another planet and was letting me know how to go to another world. I asked him his name so that I can find him again when I get there. He told me his name and I remembered it vividly and told myself to remember it, but now nothing comes up sounds like the name I heard.

I have never had any UFO dreams, and I am not big on UFO or aliens. This is a big surprise to me.

Is there any significance of an alien dream so real? Some people on this website seem to have UFO dreams after they use MAP. Why UFO dreams all of a sudden?