The idea of scrying with the cup and seeing visions within it is done today in Initiatic Magick still . That is in projection food and drink is offered in initiations and attunements and this is an invocation of Christ . Eucharist means Thanksgiving . The Eucharist began with the Last Supper . It is the invocation of Christ . The bread and wine becomes imbibed with ritual intention to seek henios with Christ . This union is sought to become more like Christ , higher in vibration , closer to God , capable of such love and service .
Christ's commandment is "Love one another as I have loved you. "

I believe Christ was a magician and the greatest one that ever lived . He has been called the Magnum Magus . The 3 Wiseman or The Magi are also magicians in the truest sense in my opinion , that is they saw visions , prophesised and studied the stars and signs . I define Magick as change affected by the magician's will , visualisation , intention and energy . Christ performed many miracles which can be interpreted as magick .
changing the water to wine
raising the dead
healing the lame and blind
exorcising demons
et cetera
Here is one list :

There is speculation online that the translation is suspect . The term goiais is being debated . Goi or Goy is a gentil a non Jew . -ais is a French ending meaning 'I have '. But the form here is Goistais
This site below reckons Goistais comes from enchanter ;

Some believe that Christ has reincarnated and that he is Enki and Thoth et cetera . Thoth is a teacher of magick also . The Cosmic Christ is a great teacher of Magick today meeting mystic magicians in mystic projection , ceremonial magick , initiatic magick , meditative trance and dreamstate lessons . He teaches about forgiveness , compassion and love . But he also teaches healing and exorcism , methods of projection , ascension and expansion of consciousness . This is the truest Magick .