After my successful experience the other night I tried again this morning as soon as I woke up. Unfortunately there was a lot of noise distractions from the heater and an ambulance somewhere. I successfully got to the exit sensations but a couple things happened... It took me about an hour to get to the exit sensations and by the time the sensations started coming on I wasn't sure exactly what was causing them, the energy bouncing, trying to "pretend" to fall asleep, or focusing on my third eye. The other thing was once it came on, because it happened so quickly and I went from just feeling completely relaxed to feeling like I was being launched, my breathing got erratic. I didn't realize it right away but I started to hold my breath, because I was afraid of moving/the rushing sensation put me out of sync.

I guess my questions would be, how long does it typically take to get the exit sensations? How frequently should I stop and start over to take a break to stretch out to avoid cramping/tensing up? Should I breathe through my mouth and nose or only my nose? I'm only on week 4 should I even be doing this now or is this going to screw up my progress? I am only going by stuff from other material I have been reading, curiousity, and basic trial and error, so I haven't skipped ahead.