
I am an european male in my 20s, new to the forum. I need explanations and guidance on a very singular condition that is affecting me lately. I thought the Kundalini section was the most appropriate place to post this message, even though I am not certain it is completely related to it. I am also a first-timer, as Kryon's terminology.

During a night of last January a significant event happened to me. It was a dream that seemed as real as the waking state is, a prophetic dream highly loaded in symbolism which revealed some informations about my own nature. It leaded me in an indirect way to begin a psychotherapy based on dream (release of the past traumas dwelling in the subconscious). It was an extremely exhausting period – physically and psychically – and took 6 months to complete.

From this period on, mystical experiences started to happen to me on a regular basis. These come without any request or control, are short (a few minutes), of positive nature, and usually not twice the same. A few ones :
- regular sight of a purple intelligent blob just in front of me. Seems very friendly and likes to bounce in the air.
- seeing nature spirits in my garden at dusk. Very peaceful spirits
- seeing sound
- near out-of-body experience (vibrations and flashes of light in the head)
- strong shootings of energy from the base of the spine keeping me awake during the night. Next morning at 6, release of temporary semi-solid unidentified substance in the left part of the sacrum. It lasted only a few seconds and I saw myself elevating in a silver vertical corridor. Intense, solemn and magical experience.
- seeing like a movie in the head, eyes closed
- hearing voices
- least but not last, I could experience for an instant the natural and profound state described by Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now.

Along with these mystical experiences I am having periods of complete physical exhaustion. The degree and period of tiredness vary a great deal and are not predictable. During the bad days I almost cannot move my body. Waiting patiently to regain some energy is the only option I have. Strangely it never feels boring so I guess the consciousness is also alterated during the process. Physically it feels like electricity or energy moving through the body, occasionally accompanied by hot/cold sensations. And the most fundamental aspect is the presence of strong pulsations along the chakras line, the "hottest" spots are located in the Dan tien, heart, throat and head.

Recalling the course of things I wondered if there was any logic or scheme behind this process, tried to analyse the process. What I can say now is 1/ the energy moved up along the spine, creating bruises on the skin when crossing a chakra 2/ the mystical experiences mentioned above must simply be the expression of the crossing of a threshold, since they come and go 3/ the chi (usually flowing throughout the body) is used as gasoline to create the process, the pulsations. Hence the exhaustion. 4/ I am pretty sure that a biological process come along with these pulsations. I have experienced aches everywhere in my body without any particular reason. Also heard a few times bone cracks in my head, impressive but not painful. When the pulsations come, urine gets cloudier than usual and impurities emerge at the surface of the skin. My neck has become incredibly stiff, but without pain.

It's been 9 months now that I am having this incapacitating symptoms, and it has became the main concern in my life right now. It prevents me from living normally, particularly when having social obligations – that I keep to the minimum. Three weeks ago, one cycle ended. The process stopped completely, and I felt alive. My skin, eyes, hair changed from zombie-state to glow again, I could feel strength in my muscles. Unfortunately it lasted only two hours.

Until now I've only spoken about the downside, but there is also a positive side. I gained invaluable experience passing through the darkness, I've changed a lot - for the better. Now, most of everyday situations have become secondary and I want to focus only on the real things. Also recently, I have been feeling an incredible power inside me, like it could physically blow the walls off instantly if released.

Can anyone relate to this experience ? How long does it take to a full healthy body ? What is the meaning of all of this ?

Any comment, advice or thought would be very much appreciated.