Hi every one

I've been doing some energy work on my lower back to try to restore ballance. Unfortunately, I keep stimulating the lower chakra/s (without trying) which increases desire for sex. I find this to be distracting. The injury however does not as yet seem to respond to what I'm doing.

Let me explain what I do...

As always I begin with relaxation and prayer; then focus on the area of the sacrum/coccyx. In a reclining chair and with feet elevated on a stool I begin a sweeping motion of energy from the coccyx to the upper lumber spine and back again. I visualise the energy moving back and forth along my spine.

I actualy "physicaly feel" the energy moving.

After a few minutes I become mentaly tired and find it difficult to maintain concentration and am unable to physicaly feel the energy moving; although I can still visualise it happening with no actual feeling; so I stop at this point. Why would I become mentaly tired?

Durin the exercise and for a few minutes after I experience pricking sensations in the lumber spine area on the skin surface. These are sufficient to cause me to flinch when they happen. These sharp needle like feelings do not occur more than two or three times during and after the exercise.

I should add that the injury is on the left side and the energy here is noticably different from that of the other side in that it feels thick and dense. I have to force the energy to move to begin with, but once moving it becomes easier - almost as if it gains a natural momentum?

OK, my question is this...

How can I continue without the distraction of stimulation?

Many thanks