Day One
The phyiscal relaxation felt real good on the legs, I have a pain from walking too much, but it felt good and relaxed...Breath Awareness made my whole body relaxed to the point where I didn't feel my body anymore...The mobile body awareness was easy as I've done this many times before and I spent a while just seeing if I can feel every part of my body, which I can.

Key Words
- Grandmother House
- Window (Jumping)
- Ant's House (Brother's Friend)
- Train
- FBI Chasing
- Explosion
- Crisis
- Girl Eating Candy
- Transexuals
- Snake
- Prostitutes
- Bakery Store
- Taxi
- Union Square

- (Lucid Dream) I was in my grandmother's living room and I tried flying out of the window, but I can't go through, I'm just hitting the window....

- I was at Ant's House on his computer, my brother friend was yelling at me for some reason...

- I was in a place that looked like union square, I was with someone chatting up random people and then I met my friends, we started walking around the area onto different blocks...

- I was on the train, there was a celebrity (Not a real celeb) on the train and someone said that there was a hit put out on her. Next thing I know the FBI is chasing our train and it crashes, as the FBI are trying to protect the celeb and handle the situation. There was about to be an explosion so I run and hide behind a piece of debris, the celebrity is right next to me, and the place explodes not injurying me or the celebrity...

- I was riding a taxi from canal st to some unknown area, I get out and split the fare with 2 other people. I walk into a bakery where I meet a girl and we look at all the food on display. We both look around and I take a candy on display, she attempts to do the same but gets caught, meanwhile I'm trying to finish my candy without getting caught. She is getting kicked out by the staff. I leave the store and right outside there are many prostitutes hanging around. I'm about to leave when I see a tranny and then some guy turns into a big flame guy and jumps in the bakery which it bursts on fire. There is a snake at the main entrance as if this place is like a mall. I run in another direction and hide in an office place with someone else. There are people looking through a glass window and scanning the room, the guys have flamethrowers. I run out knowing they can detect me as they shine there lights. I run to a new room where I find many people are trying to hide...