I've read a lot about chakras and have noticed you can find all sorts of contradictory information on what's what.
For example, spin them clockwise, spin them counterclockwise, make sure you close them, what hemisphere are you in because they spin differently, they can't be opened cause they're never closed....

My experience with chakras has always been of a sphere which pulses, pumps, and breathes, expanding and contracting with the occasional intense strobing. I experience different temperatures and flavors (for lack of a better word) of energy in the different centers.

The base gets warm, occasionally super hot and sometimes it trickles energy up on its own without any effort on my part.
The naval and solar centers are fairly foreign to me but somewhere in there is a flavor of giddyness, like the roller coaster ride butterfly in the stomach effect.
The heart is joyous, is the only way to describe what I've felt in the heart.
The throat is hard for me to describe what I feel so I wont even try.
The brow to me is like a sphere of vision, every night I can see through my eyelids and I watch energy swirl and twirl in my room and during mental wanderings (remote viewing) it seems to me that this IS the third eye, still in your head but also somewhere else.
The crown I have never felt unless the itchy tingly cobwebs I sometimes feel on my scalp are the first signs of this.

There is so much I don't know but can only guess at.

I suppose my questions are about chakra spinning, since I have never felt any of mine spin that I can recall.

lets for example take the navel chakra and say you are standing up.
Do you feel them spin as if around your waist like a belt?
or like a circle around your belly button?
or both?
or more like a gyroscope?
Does clockwise gather in energy and counterclockwise extrude energy?
Am I asking too many questions?

Thank you in advance for any responses. Oh, one more thing and not to sound rude but I am not interested in what you've read or been told on another forum but only in your real experience.